Anonymous ID: 94cb18 Dec. 17, 2018, 6:39 p.m. No.4354013   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4204 >>4437

One of the documents filed by lawyers for the House Intelligence Committee said each of the three reporters who received payments had written about the Russia probe, which could indicate that reporters were using Fusion GPS's work to write their stories.


>“Additionally, the Committee seeks transactions related to three individual journalists, [names redacted], each of whom have reported on and/or been quoted in articles regarding topics related to the Committee's investigation, some of which were published as recently as October 2017," the committee wrote.


>Additionally, a filing by lawyers for the House Intelligence Committee asserts that Fusion GPS “brokered meetings for dossier author Christopher Steele with at least five major media outlets in September 2016, including Yahoo news.”


>The meeting by Yahoo resulted in one of the first media reports based on the dossier, which specifically mentioned Trump adviser Carter Page. After seeing the latest court filings, Page heaped praise on the committee.


Link to court docs:


The people that perhaps understand Fusion best are their former employers WSJ


>The Press Loves Fusion GPS (WSJ)


>One of the dirty little secrets in Washington is that Fusion is a longtime source for journalists, planting political hits that Fusion is paid by third parties to dig up. Now the press corps is defending its meal ticket, often without reporting honestly about Fusion and how it works.


>One example is the story by someone named Jason Schwartz in Politico on Monday that attacked us for our Mueller editorial. This media enforcer quoted Neil King, identifying him as a former WSJ editor who slammed our work and said “I don’t know a single WSJ alum who’s not agog at where that edit page is heading.” Perhaps Mr. King is agog because Axios reported in January that he had joined . . . Fusion GPS.


>So Politico quotes an employee of Fusion to attack The Wall Street Journal for criticizing Fusion. Even better, Mr. Schwartz didn’t tell his readers that Mr. King has worked for Fusion. Mr. Schwartz also failed to point out that Mr. King’s wife, Shailagh Murray, also a former Journal reporter, worked in the Obama White House. Perhaps Mr. Schwartz understands that this kind of political incestuousness is so routine in Washington that even to mention it would get him drummed out of the club.


Pic related here:


Also worth reading:


>Faith in the outfit’s journalistic expertise and experience is one of the chords that Fusion GPS strikes in its relations with journalists, whether they’re trying to block a story or shop one. “If they have a story they think you’d be interested in,” says one Washington, D.C. journalist familiar with Fusion GPS’s operations, “they call you down to their office on Dupont Circle and show you a dossier. There’s no confidentiality agreement, but it’s understood that if they show you something and you talk about it, you’re cut off, or worse.”


What did they mean by this?


>In order to report honestly on the Trump scandals, a weakened press would have to report honestly on Fusion GPS—which would mean lifting the lid on the incompetence and malfeasance of their own institutions and colleagues, which would reveal a scandal as threatening to democracy as anything Trump has said or done. “Imagine if they subpoena Fusion GPS’s emails,” said a veteran Washington reporter, “there are going to be lots of journalists in there who’ve taken stories from them. Big names, senior figures in the field. It will look like an apocalypse.”


FBI used the dossier to get a FISA warrent but cant verify its contents


>FBI has not verified Trump dossier (WashEx)


>FBI and Justice Department officials have told congressional investigators in recent days that they have not been able to verify or corroborate the substantive allegations of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign outlined in the Trump dossier.

Anonymous ID: 94cb18 Dec. 17, 2018, 6:40 p.m. No.4354030   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4069

>August 24, 2017 subpoena from the House Intelligence Committee to the FBI and Justice Department asked for information on the bureau's efforts to validate the dossier. Specifically, the subpoena demanded "any documents, if they exist, that memorialize DOJ and/or FBI efforts to corroborate, validate, or evaluate information provided by Mr. Steele and/or sub-sources and/or contained in the 'Trump Dossier.'"


>According to sources familiar with the matter, neither the FBI nor the Justice Department has provided documents in response to that part of the committee's subpoena. But in face-to-face briefings with congressional staff, according to those sources, FBI and DOJ officials have said they cannot verify the dossier's charges of a conspiracy between the Russian government and the Trump campaign.


THIS IS IMPORTANT - They were asked to provide info on how they vetted the dossier and so far they have supplied no information.


Until they do so there is no evidence that they did anything to vet the dossier before doing this:


>FBI used dossier allegations to bolster Trump-Russia investigation (CNN)


>The FBI last year used a dossier of allegations of Russian ties to Donald Trump's campaign as part of the justification to win approval to secretly monitor a Trump associate, according to US officials briefed on the investigation.


The FISA on Manafort is MUCH worse than you think.


>US government wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman (CNN)


>US investigators wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort under secret court orders before and after the election, sources tell CNN, an extraordinary step involving a high-ranking campaign official now at the center of the Russia meddling probe.


>The government snooping continued into early this year, INCLUDING A PERIOD when Manafort was known to talk to PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP


Related: James Clapper - 'It's possible' that Trump's voice was picked up by Manafort wiretap (WashEx)


>A secret order authorized by the court that handles the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) began after Manafort became the subject of an FBI investigation that began in 2014. It centered on work done by a group of Washington consulting firms for Ukraine's former ruling party, the sources told CNN.


>The surveillance was discontinued at some point last year for lack of evidence, according to one of the sources.


>The FBI then restarted the surveillance after obtaining a new FISA warrant that extended at least into early this year.


>Sources say the second warrant was part of the FBI's efforts to investigate ties between Trump campaign associates and suspected Russian operatives. Such warrants require the approval of top Justice Department and FBI officials, and the FBI must provide the court with information showing suspicion that the subject of the warrant may be acting as an agent of a foreign power.


So they got top Justice and FBI approval

Using the dossier:

>FBI used dossier allegations to bolster Trump-Russia investigation (CNN)

When they could not and still have not been able to verify it:

>FBI has not verified Trump dossier (WashEx)


Carter Page was Wiretapped via FISA as well

>Court Approved Wiretap on Trump Campaign Aide Over Russia Ties (NYT)

Anonymous ID: 94cb18 Dec. 17, 2018, 6:42 p.m. No.4354048   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4204 >>4437

>The Justice Department obtained a secret court-approved wiretap last summer on Carter Page, a foreign policy adviser to Donald J. Trump’s presidential campaign, based on evidence that he was operating as a Russian agent, a government official said Wednesday.


Again, that evidence was the dossier:

>FBI used dossier allegations to bolster Trump-Russia investigation (CNN)



>FBI has not verified Trump dossier (WashEx)


Now the NYT continues to say this comedy gold

>The Justice Department considered direct surveillance of anyone tied to a political campaign as a line it did not want to cross




>US government wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman (CNN)


>The government snooping continued into early this year, INCLUDING A PERIOD when Manafort was known to talk to PRESIDENT Donald Trump


>James Clapper: 'It's possible' that Trump's voice was picked up by Manafort wiretap (WashEx)


Did Susan Rice Lie, Again? (National Review)


>Nunes asserted that he’d seen evidence that Obama administration officials had “unmasked,” or disclosed in intelligence reports, the identities of Trump officials who met or communicated with representatives of foreign governments and that “none of this surveillance was related to Russia.”

(Nunes transcript:


>Former national-security adviser Susan Rice was at the center of the storm, accused of making a vast number of unmasking requests. What was her response? On the very day of Nunes’s press conference she said, “I know nothing about this. I was surprised to see reports from Chairman Nunes on that count today.”

(Video: [Embed]


>Over time, however, her story evolved. She later clarified that she was simply saying that she didn’t know “what reports Nunes was referring to.”



>In April she said she never did anything “untoward with respect to the intelligence” she received.



>So, what was the truth? Did she “know nothing” or did she do nothing “untoward”? Those aren’t the same statements, and the differences matter.


>Let’s flash forward to yesterday (September 13)


>Former national security adviser Susan Rice privately told House investigators that she unmasked the identities of senior Trump officials to understand why the crown prince of the United Arab Emirates was in New York late last year, multiple sources told CNN.



>Back in March, Susan Rice wanted to win another news cycle. If she told the truth — that, yes, she had made unmasking requests — she might have given a floundering Devin Nunes a lifeline. So she pled ignorance. She claimed not to know things that she plainly and clearly knew in detail.


There was more than one unmasker, and Rice didn't unmask Flynn

>A Republican official familiar with deliberations by GOP lawmakers on the House Intelligence Committee said that the names of two U.S. citizens who were part of Mr. Trump’s transition team have been unmasked in intelligence reports.


>One is Mr. Flynn and the other hasn’t been identified, said the official. The report involving Mr. Flynn documented phone conversations he had in late December with the Russian ambassador to the U.S.

Anonymous ID: 94cb18 Dec. 17, 2018, 6:45 p.m. No.4354082   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4163 >>4177 >>4247 >>4437

>The official said Ms. Rice had requested the unmasking of at least one transition official—not Mr. Flynn—who was part of multiple foreign conversations that weren't related to Russia.


So who unmasked Flynn? Clapper said he made one unmasking request but said he could not comment further

>Sen. Chuck Grassley asked Clapper and Sally Yates if they had ever requested the unmasking of Trump, his associates, or members of Congress.


>Clapper, the former director of national intelligence, hesitated before answering.


>“Yes, in one case I did,” he admitted, but refused to give any more details.


>“I cannot discuss any further than that,” Clapper said.


>Yates said she never requested unmasking of Trump, his associates or members of Congress.


The other person who has come up in the unmasking story is Samantha Powers


>Samantha Power sought to unmask Americans on almost daily basis (FoxNews)


>In a July 27 letter to Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., said the committee had learned "that one official, whose position had no apparent intelligence-related function, made hundreds of unmasking requests during the final year of the Obama Administration."


>The "official" is widely reported to be Power.


>During a public congressional hearing earlier this year, Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy of South Carolina pressed former CIA director John Brennan on unmasking, without mentioning Power by name.


>Gowdy: Do you recall any U.S. ambassadors asking that names be unmasked?


>Brennan: I don't know. Maybe it's ringing a vague bell but I'm not – I could not answer with any confidence.


>Gowdy continued, asking: On either January 19 or up till noon on January 20, did you make any unmasking requests?


>Brennan: I do not believe I did.


>Gowdy: So you did not make any requests on the last day that you were employed?


>Brennan: No, I was not in the agency on the last day I was employed.


>Brennan later corrected the record, confirming he was at CIA headquarters on January 20. "I went there to collect some final personal materials as well as to pay my last respects to a memorial wall. But I was there for a brief period of time and just to take care of some final – final things that were important to me," Brennan said.


>Previous U.N. ambassadors have made unmasking requests, but Fox News was told they number in the low double digits.


It appears Powers is the fall girl.


>Trey Gowdy: Samantha Power testified that intel officials made 'unmasking' requests in her name (WashEx)


>Tuesday evening, Gowdy told Fox News that Power told his committee that she was not the official requesting that unmasking in every case.


>"I think if she were on your show, she would say those requests to unmask may have been attributed to her, but they greatly exceed by an exponential factor the requests she actually made," Gowdy said.


>"So, that's her testimony, and she was pretty emphatic in it," he added. "The intelligence community has assigned this number of requests to her. Her perspective, her testimony is, they may be under my name, but I did not make those requests."


>"So, we've got to get tot he bottom of that," Gowdy said. "If there is someone else making requests on behalf of a principal in the intelligence community, we need to know that because we're getting ready to reauthorize a program that's really important to the country, but also has a masking component to it."


>Gowdy was referring to Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Pressure is building on Congress to reauthorize that language, but Republicans are wary of doing so, in part because of the suspicion that the Obama administration unfairly unmasked people, including those on President Trump's transition team.


If you have not seen Jim Jordan questioning Wray yet do it now:

Anonymous ID: 94cb18 Dec. 17, 2018, 6:46 p.m. No.4354095   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>The department's Bruce Ohr, a career official, served as associate deputy attorney general at the time of the campaign. That placed him just below the deputy attorney general, Sally Yates, who ran the day-to-day operations of the department. In 2016, Ohr's office was just steps away from Yates, who was later fired for defying President Trump's initial travel ban executive order and still later became a prominent anti-Trump voice upon leaving the Justice Department.


>Unbeknownst to investigators until recently, Ohr knew Steele and had repeated contacts with Steele when Steele was working on the dossier. Ohr also met after the election with Glenn Simpson, head of Fusion GPS, the opposition research company that was paid by the Clinton campaign to compile the dossier.


Journalism is dead, i recommend you read:


>Fusion GPS was founded in 2009—before the social media wave destroyed most of the remaining structures of 20th-century American journalism—by two Wall Street Journal reporters, Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritsch. They picked up former colleagues from the Journal, Tom Catan, and Neil King, Jr., who were also well-respected by their peers. When the social media wave hit two years later, print media’s last hopes for profitability vanished, and Facebook became the actual publisher of most of the news that Americans consumed. Opposition research and comms shops like Fusion GPS became the news-rooms—with investigative teams and foreign bureaus—that newspapers could no longer afford.

>As top reporters themselves, the principals of Fusion GPS knew exactly what their former colleagues needed in order to package and sell stories to their editors and bosses. “Simpson was one of the top terror-finance investigative reporters in the field,” says one Washington-based journalist, who knows Simpson professionally and personally, and who asked for anonymity in discussing a former reporter. “He got disillusioned when Rupert Murdoch took over the Journal because there was less room for the kind of long-form investigative journalism he thrived on.”

>And now, says the journalist, “they’re guns for hire. They were hired to dig up dirt on donors to Mitt Romney’s campaign, they were hired by Planned Parenthood after a video exposing some of the organization’s controversial practices.”

>Besides Russia, Fusion GPS has also worked with other foreign countries, organizing campaigns and creating news that furthers the aims of the people who pay for their services—using the fractured playing field of “news” to extend old-fashioned lobbying efforts in a way that news consumers have been slow to understand.


They just repeat noise at this point


Last post, continuing the last article


>Fusion GPS, according to the company’s website, offers “a cross-disciplinary approach with expertise in media, politics, regulation, national security, and global markets.” What does that mean, exactly? “They were hired by a sheikh in the UAE after he was toppled in a coup and waged an information war against his brother,” one well-respected reporter who has had dealings with the company told me. “I believe they seeded the New Yorker story about the Trump Hotel in Azerbaijan with alleged connections to the IRGC. They may have been hired to look into Carlos Slim. It’s amazing how much copy they generate. They’re really effective.”

>Yet it is rare to read stories about comms shops like Fusion GPS because traditional news organizations are reluctant to bite the hands that feed them. But they are the news behind the news—well known to every D.C. beat reporter as the sources who set the table and provide the sources for their big “scoops.” The ongoing transformation of foundering, profitless news organizations into dueling proxies for partisan comms operatives is bad news for American readers, and for our democracy. But it is having a particularly outsized effect on reporting in the area of foreign policy, where expert opinion is prized—and easily bought—and most reporters and readers are only shallowly informed.

Anonymous ID: 94cb18 Dec. 17, 2018, 6:52 p.m. No.4354158   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4199 >>4264

As the chief of the executive branch that would be like arresting himself. He would need to be impeached.


The president is the chief law enforcement officer. He cannot be charged with obstruction of justice unless he commits underlying crimes in doing so. For instance, Nixon didn't just obstruct by saying "This whole investigation is a witch hunt. You should go easy on this guy" like Trump did. He bribed officials, lied under oath, threatened witnesses, etc.


Trump saying "You're being unfair to Flynn and we both know this is a witch-hunt" is far from obstruction and even if it were, Comey said he didn't feel obstructed in any way. But lets argue that he did, and he suddenly changes his mind and recants on his testimony under oath…many legal scholars including those of Harvard believe that a president cannot be charged simply with obstruction of justice because that would contradict his ability to issue presidential pardons. There has never been a president charged with obstruction without other associated crimes of which there is zero here.


Everybody in the executive branch works for the president. To arrest him against his will is a coup. Any state or local law enforcement attempting such would be met with gunfire. The only manner in which a president can be removed from office is through impeachment in the US House and a 2/3 vote in the US Senate. Like the other guy told you, read The Constitution.


You forgot about the 450 federal justices that Trump will get to appoint. He's already greenlighted about 100 and they're even more conservative and younger than the ones appointed under Bush. Trump has already done so much damage to the establishment that people aren't even aware of. Like he gave top security clearance to Flynn and the 4 people Flynn hired on day one. Every single one of them has the ability to spy on anyone in congress without oversight. They can read emails and text messages too without warrant. McMaster tried to fire them and couldn't. Those are just the ones we know about too. This is how you drain the swamp. Even if they impeach Trump somehow (which is a fucking crapshoot unless Democrats can find a way to actually gain seats in congress, let alone retain them), there will be a long-lasting Trump-effect for a decade. Trump also has a certain list that nobody in Congress wants released. It would be a shame if the public saw that sexual assault payout list unsealed upon his removal.


He worked for Trump for less than a month. You really think he knows where Trump's dirty laundry is (assuming he has any)? You know what Flynn DOES have though? A long list of crimes committed under the Obama administration of which he was a witness to. He BEGGED to go before congress to testify and was stone-walled. He'll get to testify now. His plea deal clearly states that he must disclose ANY AND ALL crimes of which he's aware of. Now let's play these odds. Who do you think he's more likely to roll on? The man whom he worked under for years, had a falling out with, and publicly tried to testify against in the past? Or the guy he worked under for less than 30 days? Hmm…I'm not liking those odds if I'm Obama. It's likely why he's overseas right now violating the Logan Act on a daily basis and why ZERO prominent Democrats are celebrating the news of Flynn signing a plea deal. They know what's coming. You don't seem to however.

Anonymous ID: 94cb18 Dec. 17, 2018, 6:55 p.m. No.4354194   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4225

That's why I think he should be blocked from appointing federal justices. After all, Obama was blocked from appointing a supreme court justice because "it was his last year," Seems reasonable that Trump should not be able to appoint justices when his campaign, and likely himself, are under investigation.


Obama wasn't "blocked". He was outplayed by Republicans who used Democrats' own rules against them. Also it's a long-standing guideline that you don't appoint justices when you don't have a mandate. Obama lost the election. He had no mandate anymore. Trump has this mandate now. Hell if we stripped Obama's presidential powers every time he was being "investigated" by someone, he wouldn't have had the ability to do literally anything since he was the most scandalous president in history.

Obtaining leaked text


Yup. You can thank Flynn for that. They were obtained by one of the guys he gave top security clearance to. Nobody knew the FBI was being investigated for the last 11 months. Not a SINGLE leak about it. They're running things as they should be. We're only hearing about it now because the investigation is over and they're finishing the processing. My guess is that the FBI (and Comey especially) gets BTFO HARD within the next 2 weeks.



It's actually unknown. A president might be able to be indicted. Ken Starr certainly thought so during the Bill Clinton scandal.


In that case, I do hope you're ready for single payer and other progressive policies to be rammed down your throat once the Dems take over.


Dems don't get to just takeover if Trump somehow got impeached lol. They'd have to go through Pence, Paul Ryan, and many other hurdles first. Least of all, they'd have to win an election which judging by their platform (non-existent), their congressional seats (fading faster than any time in history), and the massive debt the DNC is facing, this is simply not possible. Democrats won't see another president for well over a decade, even if they were to impeach Trump today which there is less than 1% chance of that happening.


He's fine

Anonymous ID: 94cb18 Dec. 17, 2018, 6:56 p.m. No.4354214   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Business as usual

This is completely false. They monitored Flynn's calls with zero oversight, no warrant, and no crime committed. This was before the "Russian Collusion" probe even started. Also, Mueller has powers as part of a special counsel, that few investigators ever see. He is able to subpoena just about anything he wants on a whim. He has zero people above him issuing warrants. You really need to look into how all of this works because you don't seem to have any clue.


Flynn ties with Russia muh

Apply Occam's. Do you REALLY think that a spook of 33 years would intentionally make 5 calls to Russian diplomats in a single day (to ensure he was recorded) and then VOLUNTARILY go speak to the FBI without a lawyer and then proceed to lie to them on purpose knowing damn well they recorded his conversation, and despite that conversation being completely and totally legal in every way? You have to be a total fucking moron to believe that Flynn just made a long series of amateur mistakes after a long-career of applying the very entrapment tactics used against him. If you believe that, then I have a bridge for sale you'd probably be interested in.


He wanted to testify against Obama before Congress and was stone-walled. Now he'll get to. You're about to get BTFO and don't even realize it. I only wish I could be there to see it.


Only 16 working fed judges

No I mean that he's nominated 100. They simply have to be approved. Over his term, there will be over 450 vacancies that he'll get to fill. You're naive if you think McConnell will still be around in 2018. Trump won't just have a Republican majority, he'll have a pro-Trump super majority. It's why Dems are trying to impeach. They know they're completely fucked if they can't beat him before 2018.


Left nut Hillary reply

Her entire "army" of lawyers was hired by Mueller for this "independent" probe. It's literally a joke at this point.


Why? On his tax return

It's a no-win game. First off, it reinforces that if Liberals cry hard enough, they'll eventually get their way. Second, Trump's net worth is largely dependent on his Brand-Value. His net worth can swing greatly day-to-day solely based on what others perceive his brand to be worth. Because of this, liberals would have a political hay day and would have weeks of bullshit to say he "lied" about.


"Oh look, he's not worth a gazillion dollars like he claims! He's a liar! Impeach!"


It's simply a no-win scenario. I wouldn't do it either. Liberals think that there will somehow be a long list of crimes outlined perfectly in his taxes. My guess is that they just simply don't understand how tax filings work since they don't pay them typically but they genuinely think they'll find an itemized list like:


•Russian Mob Payoffs: $1,000,000

•Russian Collusion Expenditures: $5,000,000

•Dead Hooker Cleanup Service: $100,000


Liberals are legitimately deranged. I wouldn't bother playing ball with them either. There is legitimately nothing to gain.

Anonymous ID: 94cb18 Dec. 17, 2018, 6:58 p.m. No.4354234   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Obama's entire 2nd term… dismantled in first month with exec actions

Tax reform… done

Obamacare… mortally wounded and dying

Travel ban… in place

ISIS… being defeated

Wall… being built

Russian collusion wet dream… wad blown

SCOTUS… conservative rulings for a generation

Illegal border crossings… down by 80%

Voter ID Law… next in line





It is blatantly unconstitutional. You can't investigate in search of a crime. A crime should be first committed and then the investigation begins. This is bullshit and it's going to come back around and fuck the swamp in the ass. Watch.


Deutsch Bank paid DOJ settlement for involvement in $10b Russian money laundering scheme.


Connect the dots.

Future proves past.

Anonymous ID: 94cb18 Dec. 17, 2018, 7 p.m. No.4354250   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A political bomb dropped on to the liberal snowflake mind. I bet none of you knew Donald Trump won the lifetime achievement award given to him by that of Reverend Jesse Jackson for 30 years of commitment to the African-American Rainbow Coalition. And helping minorities get a leg up in Corporate America.

I bet you did not know Donald Trump as well won the Ellis Island award standing on stage alongside that of Rosa Parks and Muhammad Ali and this was for his contributions into the inner city programs to help youthful minorities.

I bet you did not know Donald Trump used to date a black woman.

You probably didn't know that Donald Trump has contributed more cash African-American causes that any politician or celebrity.

I bet you didn't know that Donald Trump gave Free Housing a once homeless black woman. He even make sure she's fed and her apartment unit is cleaned weekly.

Do I need to tell you about that black man who had the dream of being a boxer and unfortunate things happened and this man down-on-his-luck walked into Trump Tower walked out with a great job working for the Trump family. And it was unexpected happenstance that he ran into Donald Trump that day.

Did you know Donald Trump sponsors a little league baseball team and has often been out there on the field playing ball with those young Sportsman and 85% of those kids on the team or African American.

Now I bet y'all probably still would support Hillary, but you probably didn't realize that Hillary Clinton during her college Years marched in the Goldwater movement which stood in direct contrast of the Civil Rights Movement such as Hillary Clinton did not believe African Americans should have the same rights as white folks….

Did any of you even watch her TV interview when she called young African-American boys super predators that needed to be brought to heel, speaking down as if they are dogs.

What about when she was being interviewed and she was praising Senator Robert Byrd saying that Senator Robert Byrd was a lifelong friend a great mentor and taught her everything she knows, even though Senator Robert Byrd was the Grand kleagle of the Klu Klux Klan.

Did you all forget it was Hillary Clinton's husband who pushed that three strikes law which who is that going to affect the most African-Americans.

What about that Halloween costume of her and Bill Clinton Hillary dressed up in blackface and Bill Clinton dressed up as a farmer…. If that's not racist LOL.

What about Hillary Clinton when she told that young black man I don't need to speak to you are your people.


So Donald Trump has a life history of helping African Americans hell he opened up the very first golf course in Florida that was non-segregated anybody could play on his course but then you have Hillary Clinton who is a lifelong racist. Remember when Hillary took in all that money to our foundation to help the victims over in Africa and they're still pissed off that they never seen nothing from her….lol

Again Donald Trump has a lifelong history of helping the minority helping out in African American communities and Hillary Clinton has never even scratched out $2 from her wallet to help anybody

Anonymous ID: 94cb18 Dec. 17, 2018, 7:04 p.m. No.4354285   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Cbts week 1


URANIUM ONE! The atomic bomb of political scandals. The swamp is shades of red and blue. Time is up for forgiveness. Those drug deep into the swamp were given an opportunity to make a deal. Those that remain have drawn a line. They are the opposition AKA “The Swamp”. Trump is playing his hand very close. He literally is the president with no party. For any chance of not being pulled into the swamp, DT had to act fast.


Trump flipped Sessions.


Sessions was one member, of the 9 member CFIUS council, that approved uranium one. Sessions has the juicy intel. Trump knows this and offers sessions immunity and a position as AG. Sessions had to give up all known information on the U1 deal. As AG he can destroy the trafficking pandemic plaguing our country. He is totally kicking ass at his new job. Sessions recused himself from the Trump collusion case. He never spoke a word about the Clinton collusion case.


Trump flipped Mueller.


He literally delivered uranium to Russia, by hand. Mueller was a fly on the wall for most of the scandals. It's very possible that when Trump interviewed him the day before he became special prosecutor, Trump offered him a deal. Information on the Clinton Cartel for immunity from any involvement.


Mueller, when presented this proposition, takes that deal. For one, there's no risk. Nobody is going to kill him because everyone would think he's going after Trump. Second, the swamp is going to be drained. All of the momentum is shifting in Trump's favor.


No doubt Manafort and Gates are singing. The indictments have no ties to Trump.


Papadopoulos is low lying fruit. A ruse. His “news” keeps the media spewing opinion ad nauseum. His involvement really is a story to keep people thinking Trump is going down.


Tony " Satan in the flesh" Podesta


Tony Podesta was the real news of the day. Stepping down is the beginning of a major downfall. Tony and John are huge players on both sides. They have ties to Clintons,Obama, Bush's, Hollyweird key figures. There is also ties to pizzagate, pedogate and one sickening Podesta Art Collection.


This is all because of URANIUM ONE that came out on October 19,2017. Snopes won't know, MSM blacked out the coverage. Everyone really thinks it's old news.


I haven't even started to uncover all the COMPLICIT MEDIA, RICH OLIGARCHS fueling left wing political cognitive dissonance, THE BUSH YEARS, 550 Metric Tons of MISSING URANIUM, Assange. It's like a giant pressure pot of scandal about to blow!


This is still a research project. Everyday breadcrumbs are dropped.

Trump's tweets, great source. Even if I have no clue what it means.

Daily white house press briefing, Sanders tells it like it is.

Actual research, searching keywords between the tweets, briefings,and what's happening on CNN, ABC, Fox News, The Daily Show… Keywords from the media are very common. Then I start putting all the pieces in place.


So if you think there is actual facts leading to Trump being impeached. Prove it with facts.

Anonymous ID: 94cb18 Dec. 17, 2018, 7:08 p.m. No.4354338   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Future proves past.

This tax bill is our first and probably our most important actual victory. The first real attack that hits the left where it hurts most: their money.


This intricate network that intersects between academia and government is the left's base. It is where they derive most of their ideology and bureaucratic support. A lot of us call it the deep state, but in reality that only begins to capture the scope under which it operates in American society. This apparatus is the vehicle by which Marxist ideology born in the universities moves into unelected government positions almost effortlessly. How do you think diversity initiatives, gay pride parades, trans bathrooms, refugee policies move so effortlessly from the university world to the government world? It's bureaucrats.


This bill attacks them on all sides. It hurts college students both when they are in university and when they are out. It increases student loan obligations and makes grad school much more expensive. It will influence fewer Americans to go to college, and by doing so will collapse the university system's' ability to function. The universities need steady, strong growth. They always need more students to pay for the improvements meant to attract the next wave. If student populations go down, stay the same or even grow below a threshold (this depends on the school) the house of cards collapses. And with that collapse the professors and administration that advance Marxist ideology in higher education will be finished. Jobs will be cut, curriculums will disappear and the ideological prison that stunts real thought in the American education system will be broken.


On the other end creates a trillion dollar deficit that obviously will not stand under Trump's leadership. Massive cuts are coming. Huge amounts of federal layoffs and budget slicing are mere months away. The system by which university students, particularly the ones possessing degrees in feminism, gender studies and/or sociology, are fed into well paying jobs in government is about to collapse. And with that collapse the ideological encroachment of Marxism from universities to government will be stymied.


That is why the media is becoming so desperate. That is why all these hopes are being pinned on Mueller and his probe to get Trump out as soon as possible. This bill is going to fundamentally destroy the Marxist elements of the American Left. You wanted to drain the swamp? This bill is going to do one better: its going to starve the swamp to death.


So dont worry about whether you are going to pay more or less taxes going forward. Its bigger than that. Its the first real step to taking our country back. Its marks the end of our beginning, and the beginning of their end.

Anonymous ID: 94cb18 Dec. 17, 2018, 7:14 p.m. No.4354418   🗄️.is 🔗kun

they knew what they were doing, trump was never supposed to win, the whole thing was rigged for Hillary to win, and if she won they never would have needed to worry about a thing. Now i ask you, think about everything that we now know, Hillary rigged the primary, the election itself was very likely rigged in her favor with millions of dead, illegal and duplicate votes. Trump was setup (russia collusion bullshit) it was all based on lies that would never allow a fisa warrant to be granted, yet it was anyway. The reason it was so fucking sloppy is indeed because they never thought she would lose. i ask you why the fuck would they take such a huge risk? why would they go to such lengths to make sure that trump didnt win the election. well its simple, they had a plan set in place, a plan that Obama started, and Hillary was supposed to finish it. a 16 year plan if you will. It so fucking obvious at this point its hilarious.


"People who enter the United States without our permission are illegal aliens and illegal aliens should not be treated the same as someone who entered the country legally. When we use phrases like undocumented workers we convey a message to the American people that the government is not serious about combating illegal immigration, which the American people overwhelmingly oppose." - Chuck Schumer, Democratic Senate Minority Leader

Funny how he's shifted since another party took control. It's almost as if he has zero principles.


so because mexico refused to pay you should just leave the border wide open? fucking leftists. far better to build the wall on your own dime, repeal NAFTA, then put tariffs on mexican products so that american companies come home. in the long run, Mexico still "pays"


They screwed themselves by talking themselves into a corner. They tried to play to both the DREAMer and NeverTrump demographic while not considering that if Trump offered the DREAMers a nice enough deal that they wouldn't turn on them. This is what happens you get away with doing wrong for so long and no one makes you face justice. You get sloppy and careless because you end up believing you're untouchable. Dems and rinos goofed hard.

Anonymous ID: 94cb18 Dec. 17, 2018, 7:18 p.m. No.4354467   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Bundy Ranch standoff is related to Uranium One. Both issues involve the seizure and sale of public land to foreign entities, brokered by corrupt federal politicians, their relatives and cronies.

>Cliven Bundy (pic related) is a rancher with court declared grazing rights near Gold Butte, Nevada.

>Harry Reid is a powerful politician who wants Mr. Bundy's cattle gone, to 'protect' the land.

>Rory Reid is Harry Reid's son. Rory Reid represents a Chinese solar company which has $5 billion plans for a project on land including Mr. Bundy's grazing area.

>Neil Kornze was Harry Reid's policy advisor. He was confirmed as BLM director days before the Bundy Ranch was attacked by BLM agents.

>In the run up to the eviction of the Bundy's family business, the grazing land was declared a sanctuary for desert tortoises. Although moving the cattle off the land harms the toroise population, this 'habitat protection' made the grazing of cattle in the area deplorable.

>The Bundy family's neighbors all gave up their grazing livelihoods rather than fight the government.

>Based Bundys stood off the BLM with riflemen volunteers from many western states until Senator Reids involvement started becoming public knowledge and the BLM's heavily armed agents left.

>The Bundys were legally right about grazing privileges, and legally right to engage in the standoff.

>They are in jail under gag order, and their trial is now, four years later.



This is just a little of this long story. It is well journalized but obviously downplayed by national news. Memories of the time are of high quality memes deriding the Bundy's. Good memes don't just appear from nowhere. The MSM never told the Bundy's side of the story, a willful act of omission it seems. Also the Bundy's claims were debunked by the pants-on-fire truthmeter people. This seems to indicate a media influence campaign. Influence campaigns are designed and financed, they too do not come from nowhere.

But this was 2013. What evidence of this suspected influence campaign remains? Can we see 'fingerprints' on the influence efforts, to tell who was behind it?

There will be much more, including the Malheur standoff in Oregon, on land very very probably wanted for Uranium One, this may have been proven already.

How widespread are the evictions and sale of resources? We have these two standoffs obviously, but how much more has escaped notice?

The Malheur standoff ended with the heroism of Lavoy Finicum, a 55 year old rancher with 11 kids and many foster children. Lavoy Finicum was shot to death by agents with his hands over his head, unarmed, left to bleed out on a snowbank. The agents were shooting up his car, and hostage rescue team agents shot before it even stopped. He had gotten out of his car to draw fire from his three passengers, all unarmed, one a minor.

The agents picked up their shell casings after shooting in an attempt to leave the troopers holding the bag.

Them motherfuckers…



Roger Stone:



Politifact 'debunking' seems like an influence campaign:


2016 Guardian article with Reid talking shit:



One of many videos of the murder of Lavoy Finicum, but this was not the Nevada Bundy Ranch happening:


The most revealing video is hard to find on Youtube. It is ten or twenty minutes long with cell phone footage taken by one of the passengers, and with FBI drone footage superimposed. Expect more threads on Mr. Finicum.