Good post Doug. I chuckled
I highly doubt many masons come here. Freemasonry isn't very popular anymore… the military is probably why most ppl become masons - there are many many military lodges.
So there is probably masons who like Q - that's obvious… do they post here probably not cause most of you ppl are dicks to masons even though Q said most are fine. Some of you here are real dicks tbh… like will only get harder for the assholes
Do you think freemasons sit in lodge and talk about how to stop Qanon ?
That is literally insane
Stop lying about what Q said. Sick of you ppl twisting the words to push your adgenda.
Fuck off. Masons are fine per Q shill
No but it makes you sound like a dumb nigger blaming the white man
Here is a red pill for you
Your muh Master race is enslaved to %2 of the population - Jews ?
Do you realize that dosen't even make sense.
Do you realize that you Nazi larpers are dumb and your facts don't add up and you just sound like a nigger blaming his lack of doing better not on himself but the Boogeyman - the white devil.
Yes you Nazi larpers are nothing more than that.
Do better
Be Best
No one is holding you back but you.
Stop blaming others
Do you think the plan is to sit behind your keyboard talking shit about Jews and Masons.
Yeah that will really save the world.
Someone give this dumb nigger a gold star 🌟
Read nigger - do you even pay attention to Q ?
I've been on this site since 2016 nigger you are the newfags
Hi Fren well explained
I did the York rite. I stopped going haven't been in 5years.
the Masonic conspiracies really are one of the biggest fake news things on the internet.
I became a mason because I read a bunch of shit and wanted to know… Boy was I disappointed.
Lol I expected the illumanitti and all I got was fish fries.
actual I liked the degrees. It tough me a lot about the Bible… I just didn't like Grandlodge.
The politics were lame and I butted heads over it and eventually just stopped going.
there is absolutely nothing evil I saw in my 5 years being an officer in 4 bodies.
Some of these ppl don't care about truth…
They just wanna chase rabbits and conspiracies and fake news
Cultstate was waiting for us.. the Mason and the JESUIT NO 😉
That's a fake quote dumbass show me the page in morals and dogma where that is written
hint you can't it dosen't exist