>>4356109 lb
I actually have a 140 iq, two grad degrees, a 30-year prof career, and a family. And you don't.
You have a diploma from a shitty h.s. and a 'puter.
Who's a moron now? (You)
>>4356109 lb
I actually have a 140 iq, two grad degrees, a 30-year prof career, and a family. And you don't.
You have a diploma from a shitty h.s. and a 'puter.
Who's a moron now? (You)
Libtards destroy everything they touch with their nerdy, crooked, perverted ways. Including Murica.
There is no "Obama" birth cert that I've ever seen period
I used to enjoy hanging at the Jefferson Memorial during college. Always felt peaceful.
No real diff between the two groups.
Mind your betters, child.
I could hardly scare up a mouse around there in the early 80s.
You, however, are an unaccomplished nobody with your pretense of speaking for other anons. People hire me to speak for them, not you. Now go finish your Domino's, it's getting cold.
Btw, please list one credential or accomplishment. All of us Anons will wait here for it.
You would need to complete at least 6 units at community college to understand. In other words, fuhgeddaboudit.
It was like a temple, totally reverential and quiet.
Failure would be first.
Sessions did whatever Trump wanted him to do is my impression. The whining was a show.
You have nothing, moron. You're a low-ranking anon who no answers. You would need to upgrade considerably from feeble to become merely a bore.
I have more white blood in me than any of your half-nigger ancestors.
My ancestors used to destroy yours just for laughs.
Affirmative Action doesnt work. Holder is proof.
Actually, my degrees are in law and ancient languages. How about yours? "Street smarts," right? Because educated people aren't allowed to walk the streets like low-grade people like yourself.
I'm actually part of a white society that you will never hear of. Just stick with your youtubes.
I have read Herodotus in Greek and Tacitus in Latin, and you don't even know who they are. If I gave you a history quiz about anything, you would flunk. Just like did in your local community college, when you just couldnt handle it.
You don't speak for anons, fool, you can hardly speak for yourself. You're an unaccomplished nobody who has offered zero evidence to the contrary except your stupid egotistical rants about nothing, your only subject of actual study. Your alleged "personality" is not interesting.
Yes, all the VA cemeteries are like that. I put my Dad in one a couple years ago.
Being paid for going to top colleges isnt a bad deal. You won't though. I did.
And yet here I am in a million-dollar house at the beach and you aren't. Sad! To be (you).
Arguing with morons is indeed like playing chess with a chicken. Both get killed and eaten in the end.
*your Btw, I don't like cops. Eat your service revolver.
It's part of the job.
WRONG! Losers aren't winners, Sonny, you should really know that by now.
How would you know anything about education, society or money? That's absurd. You barely know 7th grade Civics.
You do project well. Is Comey your hero?
It's people who are fools, not God.
Let's talk more about you. That's a gpood start.
Let's talk about you. Is there ANYTHING to say? ANYTHING at all? jk
The statement makes you a liar. You don't read those languages.
Yes, you are. Eat it.
Enjoy the backwoods, rube. You belong.
Your statement is a lie, mine is true. There's a difference. What are you, a fucking demoncrat?
Yeah, I did. Sold it. Too hicky.
Niebuhr will have a lame-ass poetic suicide not about how him good, Orange Man Bad. Think so?
You're basically an average-iq individual. It's nothing to be proud of.
Are you talking about your failure to ever pass the bar? Non-accredited law school grads usually don't. It's normal.
Some actually are elite. Just not (you).
Great author, one of the best really.
Just try for an A.A. You can't do it, but you can be humiliated trying.