Eggcellent, baker.
Great job.
>Can we add it now?
Wonder what'll come first –
this making notables
or you not acting like a nigger
>I had omelets on the ceiling, bread in the sink, and dough going into the oven all at once.
Isn't baking the bomb?
Best chaos I ever wrassled, kek
>>4356271, >>4356306, >>4356352
lmfao this might be my favorite heeb fail yet
>these people are stoooopid
For any newfags that don't know,
(((triple parens))) means Jews.
Whatever Q meant by (((WWG1WGA)))
and whatever (((+))) means,
the way the (((echo))) meme
is used on the chans is to call out Jews.
And not in a good way, kek.
More in a the goyim know way.
That's why they appear in the colors of (((Israel)))
>FYI Q does not conform to chan standards.
citation needed
>Perhaps you should look into what ((())) means to military men?
I offered sourced information,
you counter with grade school taunts
Q loves us just the way we are.
>I see no attempt by them to use anon slang.
Trolling is fun
Trolling is fun
Trolling is fun
Trolling is fun
Trolling is fun
Pepe the baker
Pepe the baker
Pepe the baker
Pepe the baker
Pepe the baker
>Most people have no clue of the anti-Semitic usage
>Most people
But we're not most people
We're anons on 8chan
Everyone on the chans
Knows it means (((JEWS)))
And Q came to /pol/
Not the other way around
learn /ourcomms/
>some schmuck deciding to make its use for that purpose
And kindly don't speak about our beloved CodeMonkey that way.
He coded 8chan to translate ((( ))) into Israel colors.
Because here it means "coincidence detector" faggot
How many "coincidences" before it becomes
mathematically impossible?
A while back they tried this mason push and called me AND BO masons, kek.
Was top kek.
Yeah but it makes no sense why Q would understand all the rest of our comms and be so ham-handed with this one. Whatever he's going for using that meme the way he did, it's not normie-tier cluelessness. And no theory of what anyone thinks Q meant by its use is gonna make us throw away years of research that screams It's The Jews! They subvert nations and are the controlling actors behind all the policies plaguing our nations. That's the truth, and anons aren't gonna stop knowing it just cuz some normies haven't yet got comfy with that redpill. Truth exists on its own whether anyone champions or sanctions it. To be an autist means to be Truth First.
>I don't expect Q/Trump to make things racial that way directly
No not directly.
I think that's our job.
Not for purposes of being assholes
but for purposes of being brutally honest
shit I was fucking around shitposting and shoulda checked in with baker sooner.
bad backup baker is bad