AMEN to That Daniel
Well I guess that depends on who you ask. Either 10/2X/99 or 01/07/00
End of Oct 1999 dont remember the exact date but I have zero doubt that you know. May even be 98, their are several possibilities.
It must be way before that because how could you possibly know this much about me unless you are me. Or you have a copy of everything I've ever known and things I do not know I know. There are only a couple of conclusions that can be possible so…… I'm hoping you can tell me.
The ramifications are staggering for an anon like myself. I hope you can understand that. I'm a humble person but its obvious there is more than I can completely comprehend atm.
Who knows? Ive been asking this for a long time now. I know what I experienced but their are technologies that exist that can mimic these things.
With enough data about someone a person can be lead to all sorts of conclusions that may or may not be true. If we are All God that is something I can not currently understand. If I am talking to God, ok that makes sense to me. If I am God and I have everything then why am I stuck inside such a shit body and living in an emotional roller coaster?
Am I in prison for something Ive done? If so, what the fuck did I do and how do I fix it?
What would you like more? To see others in pain or to see everyone set free of all pain and SORROW? Which would have a more positive effect in your opinion?
For ALL we know the Sun is a projector and everything we've known is a fucking hologram. Anything is possible.
In that case their is no right and wrong and their are no such thing as making bad choices.
Does that bring you joy? Does it bring you happiness that everything is out of control of individuals and is their suffering enjoyable to you?
Everyone is more than likely MK Ultra to some extent