Anonymous ID: 73e35b Dec. 17, 2018, 10:42 p.m. No.4356578   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6609 >>6882



Here is the history:

Started at half ch.

Q comes along

Was intrigued

Q moves to Cbts…I followed

Q came here…….I followed

Q continued to post bullshit

I got hip to the fact that we were being led on wild goose chases. Some were fun.

The turning point was when Q said enough is enough. Led us to think something was actually about to break. Nope

Then Q starts the crap witb the ultimate question. Shills drive that so hard, the younger anons got sucked right into it.

Ive stayed because there are still a few anons around who actually use their own independent thinking skills.

That's pretty much it.