Anonymous ID: 38325c Dec. 18, 2018, 1:16 a.m. No.4357435   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7575 >>7576

>>4355938 pb


Illuminating anon discussions re secret court proceedings & future military tribunals

#JrSenatorAnon Heralds Legal Revelations for #QResearchers + Advent of the #QMarch??


Long but intriguing article. Starts like this:


"Someone calling themselves #JrSenatorAnon landed on /pol/ tonight, and started a Q and A…./pol/lacks jumped onboard, and after reviewing everything, I would say this was a visit from a legit insider. Obviously, feel free to disagree. This comes with all the standard disclaimers and YMMV."


The first part of the article consists of questions asked by #Anons to which #JrSenatorAnon responds. The last question concerned a secret case in DC that involved the sealing off of a whole floor of a federal courthouse:


Anon: "Rumors are they were getting a case moved from article 3 to an article 1 court."

JrSenatorAnon (confirming): "Exactly as you said."


(Article 3 = regular court system; Article 1 = administrative courts, including military.)


Conjecture was that this secret court proceeding had something to do with Mueller, although this is not yet confirmed. Lawfags on QResearch commented further on what this might mean. The very last post (>>4341229 pb) notes that POTUS signed an Executive Order earlier this year that allows Federal Agency heads to choose administrative law judges rather than having to go through the Office of Personnel Management, thus streamlining the process.


Lawfag's last comment: "Maybe get ready for an influx of cases?"

Anonymous ID: 38325c Dec. 18, 2018, 2 a.m. No.4357618   🗄️.is 🔗kun



May 20, 2016 ICE Agent's suicide note, re-post due to tech difficulties with last post!