You are outmatched. Give up now.
Ironically, the very Talmud that villifies Christ appears to provide some evidence that he is the Messiah. In order to ensure that the temple sacrifice had been successful in expiating the sins of the jews, the priests and rabbis would watch to make sure that a scarlet thread had turned white. In Rosh Hashanah 31b it states, "For forty years before the destruction of the Temple (in 70AD) the thread of scarlet never turned white but remained red."
The Talmud unwittingly confirms what Christians already know. 40 years before the destruction of the temple, the final sacrifice, Jesus the Messiah, was nailed to a tree by the jews who rejected him, and the Holy of Holies was rent in two.
Without the temple, the jews are unable fo fulfill the Mosaic Covenant. They have no temple, no priesthood, and can offer no sacrifice for the atonement of their sins. In their arrogance, they claim this is no longer necessary because they are "God's chosen people."
In truth, modern jews are apostates to the very faith they claim. They are those who call themselves jews, but are not jews. The Synagogue of Satan.