Anonymous ID: 76bf49 Dec. 18, 2018, 7:20 a.m. No.4359520   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9559


>I'd like to apologize to anons that think Snowden isn't comped.


Why the fuck to you feel it is your responsibility to apologize for what others think? Snowden has said and done some honorable things with regards to fighting for the virtues of personal privacy, but he also supported Hillary and globalist perspectives. Frankly, I could give a fuck about Snowden or what Q says about him at this point.



>You might be right, you might be wrong, but after last week, I've learned this place is becoming a cult.


Cult ~ great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work


Ok, I can accept that definition but only to the extend that I am "devoted" to the idea of Q (+POTUS) as fulfilling the mythological archetype of the "American Hero" fighting for the principles and values upon which the country was founded. But, its also deeper than that. Its about trusting and thinking for yourself before blinding accepting what others say, including Q! That should be self evident to anyone who has been here from the beginning. Obviously, your definition of "cult" is different than mine if you only realized this last week.


>No one questions anything.


Bullshit. For example, I question your motives

Anonymous ID: 76bf49 Dec. 18, 2018, 7:38 a.m. No.4359688   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Screaming at anyone that raises a question about a man, is a zombie.


or a shill! Your OP presumes that everyone here has the same values and motives. Yet, probably 50% of the time on this board, posts are made by shills paid to disrupt constructive dialogue and truthful knowledge acquisition.



>Q-Team is also not perfect. Military industrial complexes do exist. And nothing in this country is squeaky clean, nor has it ever been.


AGREE, though its a desirable goal to make it more "clean" which is why Q's moral high-ground is attractive and hopeful.



>And the fighting, the name calling and the chasing away OVER QUESTIONS, is getting real fucking old.


Life is suffering. No pain no gain. No one is forcing you to be here. This is not a "safe" place for snowflakes. As one old timer once about this board, "its the best self cleaning oven that he has ever seen."

Anonymous ID: 76bf49 Dec. 18, 2018, 7:49 a.m. No.4359834   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9873


>I love anons. I love God. I hope everything goes as we think


I agree and I think most of here question everything including Q, but we just don't verbalize it here. No matter the true intent of the Q operation, far more humans here and around the world are engaging themselves in private quiet discernment about whats true in this world and that's a good thing.



> I just don't see how this board, as an example, with how it is, will avoid making the same mistakes that get us fucked again, when they only want to believe the words from one person.


that is where you lose me, anon. Who the fuck exactly is "they" in your mind and show me where "they" say "only believe the words from one person."?

Anonymous ID: 76bf49 Dec. 18, 2018, 8:01 a.m. No.4360009   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>Anons cannot handle answering questions. They feel their opinion is a fact and it's up to you to become like them. Very little help is offered. Too much superiority and patting each other on the back, for what? A dig?


>Anons in here come off like they're literally in the army and fighting for freedom with a google search. Then they hand over all responsibility and thinking to someone else.


>This is how you end up with a global order.


Ok, as a researcher myself, I agree that many here do not know the meaning of "research" and I will be the first to admit that I have spent a lot of time doing digs which led nowhere. But, I take responsibility for "wasting" my time. On the other hand, I am addicted to learning, so while I may not reach my intended goal, I always walk away with some knowledge I didnt have before.