Anonymous ID: 9be206 Dec. 18, 2018, 6:54 a.m. No.4359282   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9576


Hopefully nobody forgot Neon Revolt's expose on just what exactly the "black list" is. Remember Frank Leonard the Faggot?


Maybe Lionsgate is about to give us yet another money-laundering revisionist bullshit movie history. This time they're going to lie about how Matt Drudge did something important once upon a time and OMG he was such a thorn in someone's side, instead of the TRUTH how he stonewalled and cockblocked the truth in the Age of Q. He cost us so much time and progress he should be executed. Fuck his faggy little fedora.


Forget that he was fed information about Monica Lewinsky by the Democrats themselves so that the Democrat/Republican seesaw could fool the voters back and forth. When one party misbehaves, obey Matt Drudge and vote for the opposite. Forget that he is controlled opposition and wants to see the U.S. destroyed for the sake of shitty little Israel, the fakest country that ever existed in the universe. Jesus will judge it and the angels will laugh hysterically that anyone thought the ruse would work.

Anonymous ID: 9be206 Dec. 18, 2018, 7:16 a.m. No.4359478   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9489 >>9493

Guess what guys!


President Trump says he's going to let the private companies pay for the cost of space.


Only problem?


The globalists own all the private companies that can afford to launch space rockets! You and I have middle class money and no input. We are going to watch pedophile Richard Branson grease his asshole all the way to the moon and we will not get to join him.


When Prison Planet happens, this is how it will happen. MUH GUHNS good luck

Anonymous ID: 9be206 Dec. 18, 2018, 7:19 a.m. No.4359511   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9527 >>9634


>At this point in time, there is almost no way for someone new to this board to be able to get up to speed with the veteran qresearchers.


That's what this site is for:


Make sure every human being knows about that website. Homeboy is the ultimate Q interpreter and he packages the stories as good as any man could wish. God protect him.