Anonymous ID: be9972 Dec. 18, 2018, 7:31 a.m. No.4359618   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Information/Anons = Key

Military = Stone.

Keystone = General Flynn (spook/information + military)?

Keystone = Arlington. Where the bodies are buried.

Key = information about scandal involving Arlington

Stone = Military taking action to investigate the Arlington scandal

Revelation of deeper crimes



done in [30]

What if we receive information in '[]' and military acts.

Military actions tied to [Q] but we don't see it yet?

Once the keystone (Flynn) is put in place, we will truly see?

Think of an Arch. Only once the keystone is in place does the arch stand on it's own.


  • [30] -

(Information) - [30] - (Military)

(anons investigating crumbs) - [30] - (military acting on resulting information)

what connects the two sides?


Where the end is actually the middle (think clock/hour, 30 minutes).

What connects the two sides of an arch?
