Anonymous ID: f700c2 Dec. 18, 2018, 9:43 a.m. No.4361761   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1899

Trump to UN: Climate rules written, but we’re still out


At COP 24, the UN climate conference in Katowice Poland, the United States played a leading role in “writing the rule book” for the Paris climate agreement, but also made clear its intention to exit the agreement as soon as possible.


The key issues were consistency and transparency. The U.S. led the effort to make emissions reporting consistent no matter which nation is reporting, and to make the process as open as possible. Follow the UN conference outcome at


China continued to hold out for differentiated responsibilities, calling on developed nations to “pay their climate debt.” China asserts that it should be treated as a developing nation under the agreement and therefore given a pass on emissions reductions obligations, despite it being the world’s largest emitter. When listening to China we are always reminded of one of our favorite headlines from the parody site The Onion, “China Vows To Begin Aggressively Falsifying Air Pollution Numbers.“


Assistant Secretary of State Judith Garber made the official statement for the U.S. delegation which powerfully reiterated President Trump’s determination to withdraw. Read the full official U.S. statement at President Trump announced last year, the United States intends to withdraw from the Paris Agreement, absent the identification of terms that are more favorable to the American people…


The global climate conversation needs to embrace not only aspiration but today’s reality. The U.S. approach incorporates the realities of the global energy mix and uses all energy sources and technologies as cleanly and efficiently as possible, including fossils fuels, nuclear energy, and renewable energy…

Anonymous ID: f700c2 Dec. 18, 2018, 9:49 a.m. No.4361886   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1908 >>1991 >>2161 >>2224

Guns are safe my ass… Still looking at Q


BREAKING: House Democrats Ready New Firearm Laws To Push Through “Very Quickly”


The incoming Democrat House majority is readying legislation to criminalize private gun sales, Breitbart reports.


Ironically, the push comes nearly 227 years to the day after private gun ownership was hedged in by the Founding Fathers via the Second Amendment, which was ratified on December 15, 1791.


Politico reports that Rep. Mike Thompson (D-CA) is spearheading the current gun control push through “universal background” legislation. Such checks criminalize private gun sales, making it illegal for a neighbor to sell a firearm to his neighbor, a friend to his lifelong friend, and even a father to his son.


Note that @Politico assumes whatever legislation Democrats propose to control guns will also curb "gun violence." The reason #2A advocates have objected to past efforts is that there is no cause-and-effect. cc: @BresPolitico, @heatherscope, @lbarronlopez


— Joel B. Pollak (@joelpollak) December 17, 2018

Anonymous ID: f700c2 Dec. 18, 2018, 9:54 a.m. No.4361989   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Queen - Death On Two Legs (Dedicated To..

politicians and the DS.) (Lyrics)


Insane, should be put inside

You're a sewer rat decaying in a cesspool of pride

Should be made unemployed then make yourself null and void

Make me feel good

Anonymous ID: f700c2 Dec. 18, 2018, 10:04 a.m. No.4362244   🗄️.is 🔗kun


As much as I want to believe that i also know they let them blatantly steal the election and until I see otherwise . Trust has to be earned … Still looking at Q,, knock this bullshit off .. and might I add Please