>>4364117 (lb)
The other thing BS anon isn't saying that is worth considering is that there is no winning for normies in the current rigged game.
If you are not part of the inner circle, you would have to be a high-performer your entire life to get picked up and used as a tool.
To make it far enough into the fold to even be a semi-trusted servant would probably take a minimum of three generations.
That's you being a high-achiever, being put to use, then sending your kids to the correct schools to mix with the correct people for a minimum of an additional two generations, just so your offspring can become the equivalent of a piss-boy gimp.
I'm guessing people who have retainer-status among the highest levels in the hidden families are lower-status but still elite families which have been serving another family for generations. They'd be like gods to normal shmoes on the street, but they're still peons to the top of the upper crust. Kinda sobering, isn't it?
The biggest reason a normie can't win in this fight? Most people can't delay gratification for five minutes. Now think about people that think and act dynastically, generationally.
This current kerfuffle is between competing branches of the same plant. Trump may want better for his servants than some, but that doesn't mean that he sees any of the common people as his equals in the American, egalitarian sense of things.
The man shits in gold-plated toilets at home, for God's sake. You think he's like you?