Another one bites the dust.
Yes. Matriarchs are real.
I wonder if the tits and women are not just to reward us. But that with males (the vast majority of anons on Q) get a mini jolt of arrousal and stimulation that our minds co-mingle with the information we are learning and kind of trick us to doing the vast hard work of learning the whole structure of the NWO.
What think faggots that thought just came to me?
Is this designed to annoy or excite?
You know Facebook and others have secret tricks they use to addict kids ( and anyone) to their shit? Something to do with fast response times and mini rewards. They have broken down how humans think.
Not that MI is nefarious. But we are at war and the whole design of this military operation is planned in extreme detail. I just was wondering if the tits are stimulating our reward centers in teh brain so that when co-mingled with trolling and sad shit and weird shit and minutia. It makes us subconsciously arroused at the learning it self? You get where I am going?
Like slot machines. Just mind tricks. Mind tricks are a tool and can be fucking evil or good. It depends on how they are used.
Or that is my opinion or some such shit.
I grow weary.
One more time.
We are in a psyop against the Left. Our guys are fucking with their mental states. They push them mentally around. Up up with what they think is good news. Then crashing down when nothing happens.
Back and forth back and forth. Wearing out their minds and they subconsciously begin to tune out. They grow detached.
The art of fighting without fighting. The Art of War. The Art of the Deal.
Niggas we are in WW3. An information war. A Internet war.
Please fucking pay attention.
What is your point? That the cabbalah has as their goal to get to the top of the tree of life or to get into the black cube? The abyss? Daarth?
Nice try but no.
Cool. My brain is on auto pilot now. It naturally looks for patterns and shit. Even walking dog around my house my fucking mind is running. Patterns? What does the hand in the hand shirt on the little kid across the street mean? Why did the little boy tell me he went to his moms vet last night and put down their cat at 1am? Why did his dad say they were going to school at that time?
Shit like that.
Always thinking.