that is because more than HALF of what Q has said is complete and utter BULLSHIT…..
Think about this premise….
We are in control
We have the servers/We have it all
DS in panic
Now we have people posting tweets from OTHER Q conspiracy theorists as PROOF…. but that is basically circular reporting JUST like the deep state did with the Dossier and it's injection into the MSM….
I do NOT buy into this - "hey, we got them talking about Fara and Lobbying for foreign gov'ts on the record"
Let me ask you this….. IF Trump were to have actual proof that Clinton/Obama were part of some grand globalist money scheme with foundations and selling TS/SAP programs and this idiocy about Pedogate - WHY the FUCK would anyone care about FARA violations??? It doesn't make ANY sense……
Trump is battling China/EU/Globalists who ALL think he may not last much longer - it is in THEIR best interests to not negotiate with Trump and try and wait him out. Trump's ENTIRE premise is to negotiate from a position of strength…. TODAY, he could have JUSTIFIED the Mueller witch hunt with Flynn's case getting tossed. Instead - we now have MSM talking about the Judge telling Flynn about TREASON????
Declass would SUPPOSEDLY remove the witch hunt and expose the DS… which in turn would GREATLY improve Trump's position and even give him MORE leverage when dealing with internal pressures(left and media) and external pressures - china/EU……
THERE IS NO PLAN…… THERE IS A DEEP STATE though and they are winning BIG TIME.