Anonymous ID: 0daab7 Dec. 18, 2018, 3:10 p.m. No.4366265   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6347 >>6617

Trump Backs Off Demand For Full Wall Funding, Simultaneously Pushes Criminal Justice Reform



On Tuesday, the Trump administration announced its willingness to back off of its demands for full funding for a border wall in the newest continuing resolution to fund the government. White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told Fox News, “we have other ways that we can get to that $5 billion that we’ll work with Congress.” She explained, “At the end of the day, we don’t want to shut down the government. We want to shut down the border.”


This marks a serious shift from the escalating tenor of President Trump’s statements on the issue. On Friday, he said that he would own a shutdown over the border; he has consistently insisted that Democrats provide him the funding he has requested. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) was set to propose a bill today that would include both $1.6 billion in border funding and another $1 billion for a border security “slush fund” that could not be used toward a wall, but Democrats have already said that they will oppose such a deal. Democrats continue to preach that a wall would be immoral in some unspecified way. “It’s the wrong thing to do,” incoming Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) stated. “It doesn’t work. It’s not effective. It’s the wrong thing to do and it’s a waste of money.”


It does work. It’s not ineffective. And the only time Democrats seem concerned about excessive government expenditure is when national security is implicated.


In any case, it’s a pretty gutless move for the administration to back down from a fight over the wall after revving up Republicans for precisely that fight – especially since back in January, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) was forced to back down from his own shutdown attempt while trying to push President Trump to grant amnesty to so-called DREAMers. Americans don’t understand the Democrats’ agenda with regard to the wall. They do understand Trump’s. If Trump agrees with that assessment, backing off a fight is a mistake. Meanwhile, the Trump administration is about to send $4.8 billion to Mexico in development aid. So much for Mexico paying for the wall.


It’s an even bigger mistake considering that Republicans are simultaneously pushing hard for a vote on criminal justice reform. This was never a priority for Trump; it’s been far more of a priority for top aide Jared Kushner. Trump ran on the basis of law and order, and yet he’s now pushing for a bill that would ease the requirements in imposing mandatory minimum sentences, loosen the three-strikes rule, and increase “good time credits” that would allow thousands of prisoners to go free the day the bill is imposed as law. There are good arguments in favor of some of the measures in the First Step Act, but suffice it to say it’s a far cry from Trump’s “keep America safe” rhetoric.


Trump voters should be, at the very least, disquieted by Trump’s willingness to back down once again from his pledge on the border wall. Combined with his reprioritization of criminal justice reform, Trump looks not so much tough on crime as ambivalent about it.

Anonymous ID: 0daab7 Dec. 18, 2018, 3:23 p.m. No.4366432   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6471 >>6747 >>6903

Former US Archbishop Welcomes Investigation Of Abuse Claims Against Him


Former Archbishop of St. Paul and Minneapolis John Nienstedt denied sexual abuse claims made public Friday by Archbishop Bernard Hebda, and welcomed any investigation.


Nienstedt denied claims of sexual abuse Monday in response to a letter that Hebda sent to his parishioners on Friday, claiming that he had reported an accusation against Nienstedt of sexual misconduct with minors to the Vatican in 2016.


Nienstedt said that effectively defending against the claim would be difficult, since it is only his word against his accusers’, but that he welcomed any investigation into the matter.


“I welcome an investigation into this allegation, as I have welcomed all impartial investigations into allegations made against me. At the same time, I do deny the veracity of this allegation,” Nienstedt said, according to The Associated Press. “That being said, I don’t want to speak poorly of the men making these accusations.”


Hebda called for a continuation of a 2014 Vatican investigation into sexual misconduct claims against Nienstedt that the Vatican suspended after Nienstedt resigned as archbishop in 2015.


Hebda said in his letter that Nienstedt was accused in 2005 of inviting two minors to his hotel room to change out of their wet clothes at a Catholic youth rally in Germany. Nienstedt also stood accused of engaging in sexual acts with other adults.

Anonymous ID: 0daab7 Dec. 18, 2018, 3:29 p.m. No.4366527   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6644

Withdrawing a guilty plea typically must occur before sentencing. Mueller’s team has been prolonging sentencing to keep the Special Counsel Investigation going as long as possible before any misconduct was uncovered.

Anonymous ID: 0daab7 Dec. 18, 2018, 3:35 p.m. No.4366614   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6642 >>6846


Infiltrate & Subvert


Our capacity to provide a narrative of truth is under attack from a very organized sophisticated psychological warfare operation. We have the capacity to control the narrative and when we have based bakers and the shills are IGNORED things on a global scale improve to our benefit. When the board is subverted the narrative slips back to that of the cabal. EXPAND YOUR THINKING.


Infiltration and subversion is what the cabal have done with everything, they move into a space and immediately start taking over targeting threats to (((their))) plan to move them out of the way so they can then control the entity. Q research is no different. The "muh Jew" shilling has been pushed ad nauseum to stop posters pushing truth about Israel's SUBVERSION of the US government, to give one of many examples. Genuine Anon's who do the heavy lifting around here have been targeted usually with multiple assets who attack in tandem. This has been very successful as it suckers the weak minded into joining the berating of the Patriot further subverting the board and effecting the collective minds narrative building. Attacking whistle-blowers just as (((they))) do elsewhere has limited Anon's from speaking out. Genuine bakers are also targeted attacking them for noting certain items not for the content but the posting style of the Patriot, this is a sure tell but it wears down the resolve of the baker and starts to effect the narrative.


Q and the team need to address the subversion of the board. Several bakers are mossad/C_A clowns. Clear tell is when notables become speculative chatroom BS or during busy times only contain 4-6 items. Over the weekend we had 27 Notables in 5 breads during the busy time. I did a notes bun myself and found an additional 8 worthy items that were carefully excluded in just one bread. So if we look at it by the numbers of 6-8 items overlooked on average per bread over that 5 bread span your looking at 30-50 important pieces of information being kept from the masses who do not follow the board but keep up on the notables. This is subverting the TRUTH narrative. Also notice no new bread links, 500 bun, new bake not complete when quiet, no request for missed notes or amendments and long stints with the dough without offering hand off.


Baker school says: "Collect Notable Posts & News". "At around 500 posts or any time, post the notables gathered so far and ask if any have been missed or to submit for consideration." "Think of anons who will have missed some threads and look to Notable Posts for an update of what's happened / has been discovered." Are these things happening? The answer is NOT ALWAYS. We are here to fight and provide a vetted view of what is ACTUALLY going on in the thoroughly corrupt world we live in.


I do not have the solution but I do believe that shining a light on the problem will engage the hive mind and collectively we can over come the fuckery. Don't engage the shills stop fucking answering freddy and co and feeling the need to defend Q for an Anon or shill dissing Q. This shows you are not as awake as may think you are. They are feeding off your replies so stop feeding them.





Anonymous ID: 0daab7 Dec. 18, 2018, 3:46 p.m. No.4366749   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6773 >>6903

US confirms pullout from INF treaty, Moscow will respond if missiles placed in Europe – deputy FM


Washington has confirmed its decision to withdraw from the INF treaty is final, Russia’s deputy foreign minister said, adding that Moscow will 'take measures' if American missiles that threaten its security are placed in Europe.


“Washington publicly announced its plans to withdraw from the treaty (the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces) already in October. Through the high-level bilateral channels it was confirmed to us that this decision was final and wasn’t an attempt to initiate dialogue,” Sergey Ryabkov told the Kommersant newspaper.


The Deputy FM said that Moscow will respond to possible attempts to place short and intermediate range nuclear-capable missiles in Europe if the US decides to go on with this plan.


“We’ll be forced to come up with effective compensating measures. I’d like to warn against pushing the situation towards the eruption of new ‘missile crises.’ I am convinced that no sane country could be interested in something like this,” he said.


Russia isn’t threatening anybody, but have the necessary strength and means to counter any aggressor.


Back in October, President Donald Trump warned that Washington was planning unilateral withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty because “Russia has not adhered to the agreement.” The US leader also promised that the country would keep boosting its nuclear arsenal until Russia and China “come to their senses.”

Anonymous ID: 0daab7 Dec. 18, 2018, 3:49 p.m. No.4366806   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Second woman claims billionaire perv Jeffrey Epstein 'directed' her to have sex with Alan Dershowitz



A second alleged trafficking victim of Jeffrey Epstein says the billionaire pedophile "directed" her to have sex with Alan Dershowitz — a claim the prominent attorney adamantly denies.


The revelation regarding Sarah Ransome's allegations against the 80-year-old lawyer who represented the notorious sex offender is included in a public transcript available in Manhattan Federal Court.


Ransome has sued Epstein and his alleged madam, Ghislaine Maxwell, saying they trafficked her for sex from 2006 to 2007, while she was in her 20s.


During a Nov. 7 hearing on Ransome's case, Maxwell's attorney Laura Menninger mentioned the explosive allegation against Dershowitz.


"(Ransome) has alleged not only that my client ran a sex trafficking organization but she claims also that she was directed by my client and the Epstein defendants to have sex with third parties, including Alan Dershowitz, for example," Menninger said.


Ransome alleges in her suit that even as Epstein used an army of powerful attorneys — including Dershowitz — to fight a sex trafficking investigation in Florida, he continued "transporting young females" in New York.


Dershowitz furiously denied he'd ever met Ransome, who now lives in Barcelona, and said that "none of this happened." He slammed her as mentally unstable and said she'd bizarrely claimed to be in possession of a video of President Trump engaging in pedophilia and sex tapes of both Bill and Hillary Clinton.


Ransome is unwell and being manipulated by her high-powered attorney David Boies, Dershowitz said.


"The villain here is David Boies, who is exploiting a crazy woman in order to get revenge against me," Dershowitz said.


Dershowitz, a noted Harvard Law professor, said Boies is furious about bar charges Dershowitz filed against him. Details of the charges were unavailable and neither side would go into detail. Dershowitz added that he eagerly awaited an opportunity to sue Ransome for defamation.


"Alan Dershowitz's absurd attacks on me are consistent with his pattern of attacking every lawyer who has represented women who have accused him of sexual abuse," Boies said.


"This is simply a pattern where he thinks if he is loud enough and crazy enough it will distract attention from what he's done."


Virginia Roberts was the first alleged Epstein victim to claim that he directed her to have sex with Dershowitz. Dershowitz insists he also has never met Roberts, who now lives in Australia.


Roberts alleged that Maxwell recruited her for Epstein in 1998, when she was 15 years old and working a summer job at Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort. Roberts sued Maxwell for defamation, claiming the media heiress smeared her by denying the disturbing sex scheme.