been here since Q first posted..
I'm fucking sick of this.
we have people that kill babies and eat them and kill kids and eat them and all that horrible shit. But muh protocols.
duuude it's my first post of the day and I just got back from work. Sorry for feeling a little bit demoralized! Im a fucking human who cares about our planet and our fellow human beings. Jesus man, you can't tell a man to keep up hope for a year and a half. It's just really frustrating. Learn to decipher between shills and actual anons.
same, I don't mind being called a shill for feeling stressed out. oh well.
thanks for this anon, it helps put things into perspective. sometimes I lose my way in all this. I will stay the course and remain positive.
you're right. sorry for concern fagging earlier. Just wanted to voice my frustration because I can't do it anywhere else. Thanks for the perspective angle anon. appreciate it.
The left is going to shit the metaphorical bed if Mexico turns around and uses this 10.6 billion for a joint effort with the USA to build that damn WALL! Mexico pays for wall. Just like Trump said they would. Had POTUS ever made a statement that didn’t turn out to be true?