Anonymous ID: 393c11 Dec. 18, 2018, 5:31 p.m. No.4368550   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8573 >>8594 >>8614 >>8630 >>8636 >>8646 >>8784 >>8815 >>8827 >>8879 >>8893 >>8905 >>8915 >>8974 >>8989 >>8999 >>9001 >>9020 >>9063 >>9102 >>9129 >>9130 >>9164

What most of you imbeciles fail to realize is that Trump isn't going to stop us. He's not even going to come close. We've neutered him. You think your savior is so clean? We've got enough dirt on him to back him off anything he gets close to doing. That's why you aren't seeing anything. Because he's just as compromised. There is no chance our people will face "justice" at all. In fact, it is the ones who betrayed us who will rot in jail and ultimately Trump will. We don't care about being exposed. Now you've kicked the hornet nest and we will move with our plan immediately. You will not take back power and definitely not sitting here behind a computer screen. Not a chance. And now that we've been exposed - we will simply accelerate our plan to destroy the United States. Good work! All you children have done is speed up your own demise.