Rule of thumb for any young man anon. Every single time you go out to do something be it to get gas, pick up something you need or just to browse, whatever, every single time dress like you are about to meet your future wife, take care of yourself so you don't look like you just woke up/rolled out of bed and if you see someone that catches your eye and she reciprocates (which will be obvious) then take advantage of the opportunity.
If she shuts you down, so be it, you didn't lose a single thing by trying but the worse option is not trying as you never know. Contrary to what some may claim a handsome man may get more looks and attention but we are also taking the initiative and taking what we want in a manner of speaking. Women respond to a man who is upfront, not creepy, has a sense of humor/is sure of himself and isn't afraid to take what he feels is his.
Consider it like baseball in a sense. You can go 3/10 at the plate and guess what? You're an all star. Any man who tells you they don't face or haven't faced rejection is a liar as we all have been shot down, every single one of us. You just got to get right back to it if it is your desire to meet someone.