>>4370688 (lb)
> stay comfy
Shadilay. [They] do pic related on the daily.
>>4370714 (lb)
>ugh the meme does suck
>>4370710 (lb)
>woohoo popped cherries!
then and now ;)
Who wants to start odds on if the new steel design is 2x - 3x as durable and breach resistant as the concrete one that's been disallowed?
Last I checked Jesus would be flipping tables and chasing people with the whip all over again over this shit if he were planetside right now.
Well, if you boldy proclaim that you are christian as Trump doesโฆ You would think that it wouldn't need mentioning.
Same goes for Trump loudly proclaiming this as a christian nation.
In his inauguration speech.
Same goes for Q. You know what other name isn't mentioned?
Lucifer. But satan is mentioned a lot.
Go figure ;)
So good luck with that line of shilling, if that is what you are attempting to do right now.
kekek I looked at that again, probably should have been more specific as to who I was referring toโฆ I meant to convey that it's more packed with shills during the day.
Acronym Source: 1-02 (Department of Defense Dictionary of Military ) ?
1.) carrier wave
2.) continuous wave
3.) chemical warfare
Because certain conditions have not been met yet for his arrival.
He will not be born here this time.
He will arrive from Heaven.
You can take that as whatever you need to. After seeing a year of information here, imo he very well could arrive standing on a fucking cloud and it would be lit.
Or He could arrive in a vimana.
Or even the starship enterprise for keks, with KEK himself in the nav seat, if He felt like it. They go out for beers like kav did as a kid you know.
Either way we will have to judge the Tree by Its fruits when He gets here; He would expect us to not be naive, and do so.
pic related.
People that post cp are asking for headaches, at the very least.
Anons are only anonymous.. to other anons. Gonna be a hard lesson for some naive shitposter to learn, but that is on them ;)
Sperging on it in the bread is kind of a waste; Just report it if you think it's cp and move on.
I'm pretty sure corps and llc's are required by law to save any content they believe is illegal, in case law enforcement wants it.
So I doubt the "deleted" posts/associated ip hashes have escaped a list, for future reference.
forgot pic