Thanks for the visual, sick asswipe.
Yea, all this winning is so overwhelming. My poor heart can't take it.
The only ones in trouble or going to jail are djt affiliates. Trump Foundation shutting down.
Djt actually willing to concede some gun rights.
Meanwhile, hrc and bc still free, not to mention all their scumbag affiliates.
Oh, and call me a shill if you want, but I've been telling q to suck my dick since last March. Fucking lying (((clown))).
Pretty sure we did. Are you sure you meant what you wrote?
We are def having a miscommunication of thought here.
I do assume that, or they are just retarded.
How are you going to do that when they just take it via your employer?
When they take it every time you buy gas, a new car, or tires?
So, you don't have a specific plan in mind. I thought not.