Anonymous ID: d2fbce Dec. 18, 2018, 7:56 p.m. No.4370763   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0856 >>1454

Why Isn't Corruption Illegal In American Politics? And Why Did Big Companies Spend $5.8 Billion To Influence Government?


Everyone in Washington knows that Chuck Schumer is one of the shadiest and most corrupt Members of the Senate, right up there with Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Majority Whip and member of both the Budget and Finance Committees John Cornyn. Cornyn is best known as a whore for Big Oil, which has given him $2,876,106 for services rendered since being elected to Congress. The financial sector (Wall Street) has given Cornyn far more– $7,940,416 since he was first elected in 2002. They've been even more generous– or strategic– with McConnell, who's been buttered up with $11,444,704. McConnell took the biggest legalistic bribes from Wall Street of anyone Congress other than presidential candidates… and Chuck Schumer.


Since Schumer was elected to the House in 1980 and then to the Senate in 1998, Wall Street has bought hm off with the sweet sum of $21,052,681, the most to any Member of Congress other than presidential candidates. In return, he takes care of their interests– big-time. When the crooked banksters started whining recently that Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders were making them look bad, they went to Schumer, who promised to balance Warren and Sanders with Wall Street-friendly Democratic Senate candidates like Patrick Murphy (New Dem-FL) and Ted Strickland (OH) and to block progressive candidates like Alan Grayson (FL), P.G. Sittenfeld (OH) and Joe Sestak (PA). Schumer belongs in prison, not Congress. Schumer may be the worst, but he's hardly the only corrupt senator and far from an outlier.


If you didn't watch the video above from Represent.Us, now's the time to take a look. At the base of corruption is an ugly senatorial fact: the number of American voters for or against any idea has no impact on the likelihood that Congress will make it law. The Princeton University study they drew from says flatly, "The preferences of the average American appear to have only a minuscule, near zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy." In other words, corrupt powermongers like Chuck Schumer and Mitch McConnell don't care what you think, what you say or what you want. They work for Wall Street. Obviously.


Not just Wall Street, of course. Economic elites, business interests, people who can afford to hire lobbyists… crooks like Schumer and McConnell pay close attention to this demographic. "When they want something, the government is much more likely to do it… They get what they want and guess who winds up paying for it!" It gets worse: "Right now it's perfectly legal to buy political influence in America." The video explains how it's done– and why good-for-nothing careerists like Schumer and McConnell rise to the top of the Beltway heap.


As for the second question in the title, about why the 200 most politically active companies in the U.S. gave $5.8 billion dollars to grubby politicians and lobbyists in the last 5 years, well… good return on investment. Those same companies got $4.4 trillion in taxpayer support!

Anonymous ID: d2fbce Dec. 18, 2018, 8 p.m. No.4370793   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1127

Canada: Pro-Israel MPs Flout NDP Policy


Do New Democrat MPs who belong to the Canada-Israel Interparliamentary Group (CIIG) have carte blanche to flout party policy?


Last week CIIG executive member Murray Rankin participated in a press conference calling for a new round of Canadian sanctions on Iran. The Victoria MP joined CIIG chair Michael Levitt, vice-chair David Sweet and executive member Anthony Housefather for an event led by former CIIG executive Irwin Cotler.


Rankin’s role in this anti-Iranian effort runs counter to the NDP’s opposition to illegal sanctions on Iran, call for Canada to re-establish diplomatic relations with that country and support for the 2015 “p5+1 nuclear deal”. (Justin Trudeau has failed to maintain his election promise to restart diplomatic relations with Iran.)


Rankin’s departure from NDP policy takes place amidst the Donald Trump administration’s withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal and bid to force others to adhere to its illegal sanctions, threatening to sanction any country that buys Iranian oil.


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recently said the US would seek to starve Iranians until the country’s decision-makers accept their demands. Last month Pompeo told the BBC, “the [Iranian] leadership has to make a decision that they want their people to eat.”


Along with punishing its economy, the US and Israel are seeking to foment unrest in Iran. According to a July Axios story,


“Israel and the United States formed a joint working group a few months ago that is focused on internal efforts to encourage protests within Iran and pressure the country’s government."

Anonymous ID: d2fbce Dec. 18, 2018, 8:04 p.m. No.4370849   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0907 >>0971 >>1165 >>1370 >>1490

DOJ presents list of 309 NXIVM members which they propose Clare Bronfman and Kathy Russell NOT be allowed to associate


Now the prosecution is proposing a lessening of these conditions


But why is the prosecution trying to limit their association with anyone in NXIVM based on their being on the Stripe Path?


The higher the rank, the more likely the crime


The prosecution writes, “Raniere and an ‘inner circle’ of individuals,including the defendants, comprised an organized criminal enterprise that engaged in various criminal activities with the aim of promoting Raniere and recruiting others into Nxivm and DOS for financial and personal benefits. The indictment alleges that members of the enterprise, including the defendant[s], generally held high-ranking positions in Nxivm and in DOS.… [R]ank within Nxivm is a reasonable proxy in identifying categories of individuals who are likely to be co-conspirators or witnesses in this case.”


The prosecution proposes an alteration of the original non-association with the Stripe Path.


They enclosed a list of 309 names who are identified as Nxivm “coaches” as of March 2017.


The prosecution obtained this list, which was originally sent by email from Allison Mack to India Oxenberg, on March 9, 2017.

Anonymous ID: d2fbce Dec. 18, 2018, 8:06 p.m. No.4370870   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0896 >>0971 >>1165 >>1370 >>1490

US “Local Partners” in Northeast Syria Are About to be “Sold to Turkey”


Turkey is ramping up its military preparations and propaganda campaign ahead of a possible attack on the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) in northeastern Syria.


On December 17, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan declared that the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) can start an “operation any moment now in Syrian territory at any place, especially along the 500-kilometer border, without harming U.S. soldiers”.


He recalled his demands that Kurdish armed groups must leave the border region, first of all the area of Manbij.


“If they don’t go, we will send them,” Erdogan said adding that US President Trump has gave a positive response to the expected TAF operation.


During a speech at the Atlantic Council in Washington DC, US Special Representative for Syria Engagement James Jeffrey said that “any offensive into northeast Syria by anyone is a bad idea”. However, at the same time, he described the US relations with the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which mostly consist of YPG members, as “tactical” and “transactional”.


The TAF has also increased their strikes on the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), which Ankara sees as a parent organization of the YPG, in northern Iraq. Over the past few days, Turkish warplanes eliminated about a dozen of PKK positions in the region.


On December 18, Turkey’s Defense Minister Hulusi Akar stressed that the TAF will not allow the Sinjar region to be turned into a stronghold of the PKK and called on the Iraqi government to assist in this.


Baghdad has repeatedly criticized Turkey for its cross-border operations in the region, but it does have no resources to force Ankara to stop its activity now.


In eastern Syria, the SDF captured the town of Hajin from ISIS, according to pro-Kurdish sources. The same sources claim that over 200 ISIS members were killed during the past few days there.


Despite this, ISIS is still in control of a number of positions near Hajin. Clashes are being reported in the area.

Anonymous ID: d2fbce Dec. 18, 2018, 8:11 p.m. No.4370953   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0971 >>1067 >>1148

Revealed: Antifa Leader Relied On Anonymity To Push Radical, Violent Communist Agenda


The Daily Caller News Foundation has determined that an influential Antifa leader uses aliases to spread radical and often violent rhetoric while concealing his actual identity.

Joseph “Jose” Alcoff works with congressional Democrats as part of his day job as a manager with a DC-based advocacy group. But he spreads socialist and communist propaganda when going by the name “Jose Martin.”

Identifying as “Chepe,” Alcoff advocates for the violent overthrow of the government and for the murder of the rich. He has relished the mainstreaming of Antifa’s militant tactics in the Trump era.

A 2017 book identified Chepe as an organizer behind Smash Racism DC, the Antifa group that mobbed Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s home in November and ran Ted Cruz out of a restaurant in September.


Smash Racism DC organizer Jose Martin, also known as “Chepe,” is a radical communist and Antifa leader operating in the U.S. He advocates for the violent overthrow of the government and for the murder of the rich and claims to have international involvement in left-wing movements.


Smash Racism DC is the Antifa group that protested in front of Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s house and berated Sen. Ted Cruz at a restaurant until he and his wife were forced to leave. It’s only one of the Antifa leader’s radical left-wing projects.


But the agitator has made great efforts to separate his fanatical personas from a third identity, his legal name: Joseph “Jose” Alcoff. Under that identity, the 36-year-old has worked as a payday campaign manager for Americans for Financial Reform since 2016, where he advocates for reforms of predatory loans before members of Congress.


Alcoff left nearly no connections between his real identity and Jose Martin and Chepe, but a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation of public records, social media posts, media reports, books, protest videos and podcasts dating back to 2004 found that all three identities are actually one person, posting online from the Twitter handle @Sabokitty.


He has used his Jose Martin identity to make public appearances to promote socialism, once calling for a society without police. But his communist Chepe alias makes his Jose Martin identity seem moderate, using it to advocate for violence to achieve his goal of eliminating capitalism and the U.S. government.



Anonymous ID: d2fbce Dec. 18, 2018, 8:13 p.m. No.4370995   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1165 >>1370 >>1490

French News Channel Caught Doctoring & Changing Sign Of Yellow Vest Protester


The Facts:


French mainstream news channel, France3, has been caught doctoring a photo of the Yellow Vests movement. They completely erased a word from a sign that was calling for the Macron to resign. They blamed it on 'human error.'

Reflect On:


Why would they do this? How much power does the mainstream media still truly have? Think about how many people are not as easily fooled by this today as opposed to 10 years ago. Why is alternative media deemed as 'fake news' all of a sudden?


The Yellow Vests began hitting the streets and raising awareness about the latest economic austerity measures in France that have impacted everything from taxes to gas prices for the middle class and much more. The distaste for how things are in France has been building for many years and simply boiled over.


Like most other protests we’ve seen over the past few years, the mainstream media seems to constantly focus on violence, often brought forth by just a few to steer attention away from the actual issues and onto ‘an out of control public.’ In fact, I would personally not be surprised if people were hired to purposefully cause destruction. It happened here in Toronto for the G20 years ago.


We have to ask ourselves: would a grassroots movement of concerned law-abiding citizens (which most citizens are) motivate these ordinary citizens to set someone’s car on fire? How could destroying another citizen’s car actually help the movement? Looting and breaking store windows? Why would law-abiding citizens take their frustrations out on innocent retail vendors? Would ordinary citizens contrive to harm civilians with bombs and gas attacks? – Richard Enos (Why The Yellow Vests Movement Could Erupt Into A Modern-Day French Revolution)


This type of deception has been seen before, more so on a global scale, where events are created by the same people who propose the solution, 9/11 being a great example, or perhaps the chemical gas attacks in Syria that received so much mainstream media attention, accusing the Bashar regime of gassing their own people… yet there was absolutely no evidence of that.

Anonymous ID: d2fbce Dec. 18, 2018, 8:15 p.m. No.4371023   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1064 >>1075 >>1165 >>1370 >>1490

Senate Overwhelmingly Passes Criminal Justice Overhaul Bill


The Senate passed a sweeping criminal justice bill on Dec. 18 that addresses concerns that the nation’s war on drugs had led to the imprisonment of too many Americans for non-violent crimes without adequately preparing them for their return to society.


Senate passage of the bill by a vote of 87-12 culminates years of negotiations and gives President Donald Trump a signature policy victory, with the outcome hailed by scores of conservative and liberal advocacy groups. The House is expected to pass the bill this week, sending it to the president’s desk for his signature.


The bill gives judges more discretion when sentencing some drug offenders and boosts prisoner rehabilitation efforts. It also reduces the life sentence for some drug offenders with three convictions, or “three strikes,” to 25 years. Another provision would allow about 2,600 federal prisoners sentenced for crack cocaine offenses before August 2010 the opportunity to petition for a reduced penalty.


Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., said the nation’s prisons are full of Americans who are struggling with mental illness and addiction, and who are overwhelmingly poor. He said the nation’s criminal justice system “feeds on certain communities and not on others,” and said the bill represents a step toward “healing” for those communities.


“Let’s make no mistake, this legislation, which is one small step, will affect thousands and thousands of lives,” Booker said.


The Senate turned back three amendments on Dec. 18 from Republican senators Tom Cotton of Arkansas and John Kennedy of Louisiana, who said the bill endangered public safety. Supporters voiced concerns that passing any of the amendments would have sunk the bill.


One amendment would have excluded more prisoners from participating in educational and training programs that allow them to earn credits. Those credits can then be used to gain an earlier release to a halfway house or home confinement to finish out their sentence. Another amendment would have required that victims be notified before a prisoner gets that earlier release. The third would have required the Federal Bureau of Prisons to track and report the re-arrest rate for each prisoner who gets early release.

Anonymous ID: d2fbce Dec. 18, 2018, 8:17 p.m. No.4371057   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1099



Romans 9:27


And Isaiah cries out concerning Israel: “Though the number of the sons of Israel be as the sand of the sea, only a remnant of them will be saved,

Anonymous ID: d2fbce Dec. 18, 2018, 8:21 p.m. No.4371128   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Romans 16:18


For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive.


Acts 13:10


And said, “You son of the devil, you enemy of all righteousness, full of all deceit and villainy, will you not stop making crooked the straight paths of the Lord?

Anonymous ID: d2fbce Dec. 18, 2018, 8:25 p.m. No.4371166   🗄️.is 🔗kun

11-Year-Old Boy Dressed In Drag Dances At Gay Bar, Gets Dollar Bills Thrown At Him


On December 1, an 11-year-old boy dressed in drag danced on stage in a sexual manner at a gay bar in Brooklyn, NY, called 3 Dollar Bill. The child, Desmond Napoles, was dressed as a Gwen Stefani-lookalike — full drag make up, a blonde wig, and crop top included — as he bounced around onstage to No Doubt's "Like a Girl" and collected dollar bills from male adults viewing the number.


The Daily Wire has reviewed and confirmed the "performance" through video and photo posts on social media but has chosen not to link to the exploitative footage.


The performance, first flagged by YouTuber Yosef Ozia, was promoted on Eventbrite by 3 Dollar Bill.


"Only in New York… a nightclub that makes you go WHOA!!!," reads the promotion. "FEATURING: Upcoming Legend from Television and the Runway: DESMOND IS AMAZING!!! PERFORMING LIVE! … This stage, this dance floor, this house… is ours as long as we protect it."


The promotional ad notes that 3 Dollar Bill bar is "queer owned & operated and we foster a safe space from love. We respect all human persons as long as those human persons are also respectful to the ones around them."


"I left after seeing a child dance on stage for money at nighttime. This was on Saturday night and I have been feeling disturbed ever since," wrote a one-star reviewer of 3 Dollar Bill on December 3 via Yelp.


Other reviewers on Yelp noted that the club has a no cell phone policy, as highlighted by


"The club has a weird no cell phone policy, but we we [sic] wanted to have a good night, so we went along with it. The club put our phones in these locked sleeves, which we could tire around the club. Upon entry, they stamped our hands and write our phone check/cost check numbers in our wrists in permanent marker," said one reviewer.


Another said, "They also make you put your phone into a locked magnet pouch at the door, so it can't be used while there. You can slip it into your pocket but can't get in the pouch."


Though many have been outraged at Desmond's parents because of the clearly over-sexual nature in which the child has appeared publicly, the media have been relentlessly promoting the "inspirational" "drag kid."


Left-wing site The Daily Beast gushed over Desmond and his progressive parents in a disturbing piece from February, titled, "RuPaul Loves 'Drag Kid' Desmond. You Will Too. Fiercely." In June, the TODAY Show promoted the over-sexualized child: "Meet the 10-year-old 'drag kid' taking over social media with inspiring message," reads the caption to a video interview with Desmond.


"It is really amazing being in the spotlight because I get so much support and I’m an inspiration to so many people, which is one of my number one goals," Desmond told The Daily Beast. "I like all the fame, and helping the LGBT community fight for our rights."


When Desmond was just six years old, he was featured in a music video with drag queen and Season Six winner of RuPaul’s Drag Race Jinkx Monsoon. As a fourth-grader, the child was used to advance the LGBT agenda, giving a speech at New York City's Pride in 2017.


Though Desmond told The Daily Beast the Napoles family takes no money from his drag endeavors, it appears the parents are jumping into for-profit territory (if they have not already). Desmond's "current projects" are listed on, such as a clothing line exclusively for "drag kids" called Haus of Amazing.

Anonymous ID: d2fbce Dec. 18, 2018, 8:34 p.m. No.4371287   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1360 >>1373 >>1451

TRANSCRIPT FROM FLYNN HEARING Shows Judge Confused, Abusive, Careless and Unfamiliar with Facts of the Case


Michael Flynn and his wife arrived this morning at the E. Barrett Prettyman Federal Courthouse for his sentencing at 11:00 AM.


Flynn was scheduled for sentencing today for lying to FBI investigators. Flynn was set up by Obama Deep State operatives who did not even tell him he was being interrogated at the time.

Their 302 report is littered with inconsistencies and outright lies.


JUDGE SULLIVAN LECTURED FLYNN IN COURT TODAY…. “Arguably, you sold your country out.”


Judge Emmet Sullivan on Tuesday suggested that General Michael Flynn committed treason.

Michael Flynn is a decorated war veteran and hero.

The ONLY REASON he is being investigated is because he supported Donald Trump.


Later today the court released a transcript of the hearing.


Judge Sullivan was confused, abusive, careless and unfamiliar with the case.

The hearing today was a disgrace and an assault on an American hero.


Techno-Frog tweeted out the transcript with comment.


Judge Sullivan accused Mike Flynn of being “an agent of a foreign government” while working in the White House.

This is not even close to being true.


Lots more in link

Anonymous ID: d2fbce Dec. 18, 2018, 8:37 p.m. No.4371339   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1370 >>1490

State Dept Denies Trump Gave 'Greenlight' for Turkish Offensive in Syria


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Monday that US President Donald Trump had responded positively to Turkey's plans to launch an offensive on the eastern side of the Euphrates River.


When asked on Tuesday whether the Turkish president had made a misstatement, State Department Deputy Spokesperson Robert Palladino said, "Yes." The United States is focused on reforming the Syrian government and "the international process that gives everyone a chance to live in Syria," Palladino said.


Last Wednesday, Erdogan announced that the Turkish army was ready to start an offensive against the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) on the Euphrates east bank at the earliest opportunity.


Turkey has been claiming that the YPG's presence near its border threatened its national security. On January 20, Turkey and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) opposition forces launched Operation Olive Branch in the northern Syrian district of Afrin aimed at "clearing" the YPG and the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) from Turkey's Syrian border. In March, Ankara announced that Afrin was under the complete control of the Turkish forces.


Turkey and the United States have had tense relations in recent years, in part due to Ankara's concerns over US support for the YPG, which is viewed by the Turkish authorities as an affiliate of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), listed as a terrorist organization in Turkey, the United States and the European Union.


Meanwhile, former YPG official spokesman Rezan Hedo has told Sputnik that Turkey's possible new military operation in Syrian Manbij region and on the eastern shore of the Euphrates river in Syria could also benefit the Daesh. YPG is a part of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and supported by the United States.


According to Hedo, currently, SDF are reporting success in the operation against the Daesh in Deir ez-Zor and tightening the ring around the remaining militants near the Iraqi border and in the Hajin area. Hedo warned that if the Turkish operation in Manbij starts, SDF will have to send the troops to the different front line, which will give the Daesh an advantage.


US Defense Department spokesperson Cmdr. Sean Robertson has told Sputnik that Turkey's prospective unilateral military operation in northeast Syria if launched would be unacceptable.

Anonymous ID: d2fbce Dec. 18, 2018, 8:41 p.m. No.4371396   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yeah I'm guessing Flynn's not changing his plea as that means they have to allow further evidence in which will fuck DS hard. Possibly letting the Judge know this would've set him off