wanna take a break from digging today and go back on some retro dig?
Anons remember Nights in the [Killbox] ?
wanna take a break from digging today and go back on some retro dig?
Anons remember Nights in the [Killbox] ?
hopefully it weeds out retards like you
cant even take two seconds to hit a filter id arrow
would rather take 30 seconds to type fucked logic
started with potus 8chan tombstone and the planefag planespotting
the planefag outline matched arlignton from the sky view
its the one with the funny meme where anon drew the jew nose
anon speculated that we WELL KNOW AND WELL DOCUMENTED underground government plan POSSIBLY went black budget under arlington
its a crumb
thats what we do
and we dont succumb to niggers trying to bullly this corner
fliter this idiot
note anons
4370834 Documentary on JFK Jr's final days premiering (not an Rshill endorsement)
this is a case study
there might be a time in the future, if not in the past, where a party may spam something so hard that later if its relevant it cant or wont be heard because it got shilled so hard in the past
make sure you dont fucking bitch muh notables in the coming breads