Just watched the thing on David Koresh tonight.
What's super crazy, is the survivors still believe he was God.
Because a weak mind convinced of itself
Can never accept FACTS that prove otherwise.
In other words, the mind is to afraid to ask, "What if I'm wrong".
The brain can't be critical of itself.
It can't think critically against it's own foregone conclusion.
It's why libtards can't change their minds.
Do you see how easy it can become to be brainwashed?
Can you see how easy it would be to believe a lie, even unto death? Despite ALL EVIDENCE TO THE CONTRARY?
What if at some point, you were given evidence that Q wasn't real? What would your brain immediately do?
Think critically?
Or will it only bolster its own position and see facts where there may not be any.
So I guess I learned, don't be so fast to judge the followers of David Koresh. It can happen to anyone when the right emotions are triggered.