Anonymous ID: 713bf3 Feb. 19, 2018, 8:26 p.m. No.437349   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7356

Just watched the thing on David Koresh tonight.



What's super crazy, is the survivors still believe he was God.


Because a weak mind convinced of itself

Can never accept FACTS that prove otherwise.


In other words, the mind is to afraid to ask, "What if I'm wrong".


The brain can't be critical of itself.

It can't think critically against it's own foregone conclusion.


It's why libtards can't change their minds.

Do you see how easy it can become to be brainwashed?


Can you see how easy it would be to believe a lie, even unto death? Despite ALL EVIDENCE TO THE CONTRARY?


What if at some point, you were given evidence that Q wasn't real? What would your brain immediately do?

Think critically?

Or will it only bolster its own position and see facts where there may not be any.


So I guess I learned, don't be so fast to judge the followers of David Koresh. It can happen to anyone when the right emotions are triggered.

Anonymous ID: 713bf3 Feb. 19, 2018, 8:36 p.m. No.437429   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7449 >>7516 >>7746


Notice there really aren't any shills anymore.

I remember shills

Shills would post so fast it filled up the bread in less than 5 mins.

Notice…those are gone?


We've not had shill attacks really bad since back in December.

Anonymous ID: 713bf3 Feb. 19, 2018, 8:48 p.m. No.437544   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7561 >>7577

>>437441 Ran out of $$$?

We're not worth shilling anyways?

Since 10 day break pretty much

NOTHING has come to pass that Q said would happen.

Q wasn't even able to tell us when the Memo would come out!


For better or worse.

I think January after the 10 day break.

Q was fake Q.


He was called out on +++ ++ + and then quickly jumped on and said that it was CFR/Trilateral Commission.


Look at old Q and new Q. Completely different. New Q just jumps on and tells you what you want to hear. Gives us some BS that we should spend time solving that never means anything.


But lastly. Nothing has changed. No big arrests as were promised last November. Then December came.


The only people getting arrested are Trumps staff!!!!! How come Q couldn't predict that?


Now we are to believe that with the posting of some military shit someone pulled off the web that Q is Military Intelligence unit.


I got one better.


Q is the same guys that did Cicada, the anti abortion hacks.


I get it. Hey I'm all for it. But keeping these people locked up with a manifest LIE for the "greater good"?


The road to hell is paved with good intentions.


Stop this LARP now and let these poor souls off the hook.


Let them be free of this in Jesus' Name!

They deserve the truth.

Should they decide to stay on after that. Then at least they will have the truth.

Anonymous ID: 713bf3 Feb. 19, 2018, 9:29 p.m. No.437890   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7962

>>437834 I started following I think back in late August or September I think. Seems like 4ever.

Long strange trip indeed.

In the end I think it was good for many reasons.

I'm glad I was able to be a part, and at least be able to communicate with others who are bat shit crazy as myself. But not as batshit crazy as Pelican Guy. (irony when we all find out years later he was right)