Anonymous ID: 544619 Dec. 18, 2018, 9 p.m. No.4371621   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2091 >>2242 >>2345

>>4369912 lb by now.

Remember, anon, moves and counter-moves.


Many of us knew much of what Q was dropping. Q wasn't dropping it simply to say "look and dig" - Q was saying it because he knew many of us saw the questions he was asking and already knew not only the answers - but why those questions were related.

It was an establishment of trust. A handshake that said "We know."




The same reason specwar is here trying to sow doubt about the plan. Q said it, himself "prepared to do the unthinkable." People like me saw the signs. We saw the erasure of culture, we saw the market control and collapse. We saw the building anti-Russia narrative to send us into World War 3. We saw the muslim subversion and the coronation of Clinton as a dynasty to rule over the population. We knew of the media's compliance with all of this, and how special warfare had gone rogue.

Hell - the Marines have spent decades cleaning up after Bosnia and Kosovo, tracking down and eliminating CIA operatives known as the Muslim Brotherhood.


You think we were going to just roll over and take it? Pro Aris et Focis. For those lives whom we cherish most - the world is a small price to pay to keep them free from the hands of evil. The unthinkable is not just flipping the table. It's locking the doors and setting the bitch on fire, pulling out the knives, and going to town on the hustlers.


Q was saying "we hear you… But we have a plan. We can't tell you everything, but we can give you a map so you know it's working."

The specwar agitators are not wrong when they say that Q is meant to pacify us. That is an accurate assessment and many of us immediately recognized that as the case. That is why the handshake was given and also why the map was given.


There may or may not be some kind of secret cryptographic sequence to Q's drops. I am too lazy to try and work it out if there is, and it's a tad unnecessary for me, as I largely saw/understood how the plan mapped out and can see it coming to fruition.

Believing that Q or Trump would suddenly reverse course to attack us is an irrational fear that is no different than the case we were preparing for in the first place.


There are many other things attached to Q - it's not as if there was one idea existing in a vacuum. Perhaps one of the ones coming up will be "the conspiracy theory that was true." The fallout that will come from the plan will be that Q was right. "For the archives" is no joke.


Much of what Q has said will be analyzed for centuries to come, and Q is very much aware of that when speaking. Q isn't just speaking to us today, he is speaking decades into the future. He is speaking to people who are realizing that the conspiracy was true… And venturing beyond the textbook for the first time.

There will come a time when this is no longer a crazy conspiracy. There will come a time when the things Q has said about Trump's presidency come to pass… And there will be the many other things Q has said… That loom ominously in the background.


January, 2024… What does that look like? Better, for sure… But what of Q's reply to reincarnated ETs? What of his talk of sacrifices to molock? Will Q still be dropping? A sort of mantle to be taken up as a back-channel to the secret agencies and societies?


When Q is "fact" and not "conspiracy" - the full weight of what has been dropped will come to press down on civilization. Anons have largely been caught up on validation or explanation. I have been more focused on the aftermath… And the world will simply not be the same. The FOI requests to agencies, alone, will crash servers and fill warehouses.


As I type this, the theme of Shogo Makishima is playing in my head … I think it captures the solemn gravity of Q, in a way. Even though Q is certainly more like Akane… That's not really the tone of what what is happening…


Sibyl is being taken down. For those who know the story of Psycho-Pass… "I didn't know you could be afraid of dying after becoming a god." It is that kind of finality that is unfolding. … For the relevant scene:

"As usual, you weren't very careful."

Anonymous ID: 544619 Dec. 18, 2018, 9:26 p.m. No.4371940   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2054


Anon, I do not know whether or not those images are "computer generated" - but what I can ask you is "what do you think snapchat is for?"


Sure, there could be some program out there, trying to create underage nudes to try and make teens think this is normal… But let's be real. The hypersexualization of society is everywhere. Many children are first exposed to sexual concepts by the television and internet. Why do you need a google AI when Hannah Montana fucks a teddybear the minute she turns 18?


Teens are curious and driven to flirt. They are also driven to the sense of adventure and often a bit of 'naughty' excitement. It's not unnatural or anything new under the sun. Read fan fictions written by girls. Women tend to prefer written media while men tend to prefer the visual stimulation.


It doesn't take rocket surgery to figure out what is going to happen when you put a camera on a device with the internet/chat and put it in a teenage girl's bedroom for her to talk to boys with. Even a modest and careful girl is going to "meet the one" and get caught up in the excitement of being able to influence a boy with her body.


The relationship does what most teen relationships do and implodes, and God only knows what happens to the pictures when jealous and angry teens are their keepers.

Or - you run into the scenario where a girl gets carried away with how easy it is to get attention for showing her body. She gets careless and half the school has the pictures or video.


Our social conventions were developed for times when you had to walk through a door or crawl through a window to see someone… Or the pictures were at least difficult to make copies of. Now the walls can be walked through via the internet, and people are still learning how to adjust to the paradigm. When I was a teen, we were just getting to text messages that were longer than 20 characters. In terms of society, the internet is still a new thing… And now it's in our pockets all the time.


That's going to have constitutional implications, as Q has implied.