Anonymous ID: 9eb14a Dec. 18, 2018, 9:14 p.m. No.4371796   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1845



Look here –→ masons

Don't be a 'muhjooshill' goy don't look here –→ fucking kike involvement in everything including corrupting masons


typical mossad/israeli intelligence/msm/shareblue kikery (all same shit).


this is why israel is targeted for last. this is why jews are being hauled in like fucking scum that they are. This is why jews are being identified as RACIALLY and RELIGIOUSLY motivated TRAITORS that (((they))) are.


We all know you, the world knows the true colors of your juden now. Nothing will stop what will come.

Nothing that you do will save roth-created israel or jewry in its current form.

(((you))) will change to our tune, or be raped and killed off (not that your women are doing you any favors despite all your desperate efforts to the contrary LOL).


Simple. Game was over the moment POTUS and Q team got in.