Anonymous ID: c6da04 Dec. 18, 2018, 9:09 p.m. No.4371726   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1786 >>1835


>How do you change the culture so that kids do not WANT to do this any more?

You are literally asking how to reprogram human nature. Unless you make everything illegal, and the culture 100% behind that, then ni our "progressive thinking", we're regressing to the 80/20 rule. I'm not MGTOW, but that particular talking point is a self-fulfilling prophecy of the movement itself. A movement which is drive by whom again? Think pop culture.


When you really start to delve into the proclivities of groups people, a stark realization is reached. We're at a point where those that have been pulling the strings, now, for quite some time, have civilization, REAL western civilization, at a serious disadvantage.

The counter to Babylon was a violent act of god to "babble" the languages of the disparate peoples of earth back then.

The counter to Rome was generations consistent violent revolt, and segregation of the loosely tied tribes to their respective enclaves.

The counter to the Holy Roman Empire was violent revolt, and in return, the subjugation of the masses of Europe into tribal batches of kingdoms.

The counter to the Crown's subjugation of the colonies was the revolutionary war.

The counter to Weimar was Nazi Germany.

And so on.


Q's approach? Wake everyone up. Bit by bit. Until everyone "gets it". No more revolts. No more subjugation. No more burning books, or division shilling. No more war, and no more strife. But this takes time. But eventually, over time, culture will change with the narrative of real progress over hard left/right acceleration-ism.



Anonymous ID: c6da04 Dec. 18, 2018, 9:18 p.m. No.4371848   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1919


There is a such thing as progress, or progression. It just cannot be "forced" without cognitive consensus. People have to be willing to take the next step together. Q realizes this. In the end, eventually, 4-6% won't get it, or refuse. They are too comfy in their hate hug groups.

Anonymous ID: c6da04 Dec. 18, 2018, 9:27 p.m. No.4371951   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Look at me! I'm anon, just like you!



>Nice write up, but your conclusions are bullshit.

Then my write up, by virtue of your armchair historical and psychological opinion, is shit. Just come out and say it next time.


When someone is an abusive relationship with abuser, one precisely wakes up, bit by bit. First, it's little jabs at confidence. Then veiled insults at intelligence. Then restraining things like affection or appreciate. Sometimes it turns violent, or even deadly. Bit by bit.


>One exits the relationship as forcefully as possible

This literally never happens. This is projection of what you want to believe happens, but it's not what happens.


>But the waking up process absolutely DOES need to violent and somewhat traumatizing for it to be successful.

This is where the previous movements have failed. Yeah, there's some short terms gain, but people get things in order, and are quickly taken advantage of again because the plotters are always plotting to take advantage. Once complacency sets in, the hook is set, and MTV is posting near softcore in music videos, telling your kids "this is normal! Go fuck that dude down the street! No worries, no strings! Just fun!" Hence, the entire point of my response to this post:


>How do you change the culture so that kids do not WANT to do this any more?


>This is why the "current plan" sucks and will One doesn't "ease" out of an abusive relationship. ever. One quickly packs one's belongings and exits decisively without ever looking back.

Spoken like someone that has never watched history repeat itself.


Both of you. Pic related.

Anonymous ID: c6da04 Dec. 18, 2018, 9:49 p.m. No.4372162   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2233


"Are you trying to tell me Jesus Christ can't hit a curve ball?"

LOL; joking.


Look, I know there's more "there", there, but I often look at diagrams like this, and sometimes look at Q quoting scripture with this face.


There's absolutely nothing disagreeable about a higher path; no matter what doctrine you take to get there. As long as the doctrine doesn't condone taking someone else's life in the process, or condone the use of force to maintain your own, it's probably going to be a generally agreeable concept. Lord only fucking knows, it's not an original one (to say the least). Even a brain dead idiot, like myself, for example, can realize that progress won't happen with less than 50% of the population. On that note, I think Q has exactly the right plan to move us forward. I just tend to lean cynical on the "rate of progress".


It's all about numbers, Buddahanon. If this movement has proved anything, we have some work ahead of us to get those numbers up.

Anonymous ID: c6da04 Dec. 18, 2018, 10:05 p.m. No.4372312   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Nice get. The more I learn, the more I realize I don't know, but at the same time, realize the gravity of getting "there" is essential to overall human progress and survival. Q, and its mission, is astounding for more than one reason. This is a big one for me. Though, usually, it takes a special combination of ETOH to get my brain thinking in that direction with any confidence of realization.