TY Baker!!!
>>4372197 (lb)
Rudy, in a single sentence, said Comey majorly fucked up as a LEO, and simultaneously saved us from Hillary. Yeah; confusing, ain't it?
Outside of excessive bush posting, your take on "outsider influence" on "standardized tech being given to said outsiders" plays a part in the overall conversation of "Who did it better" on an international scale.
This post exemplifies the fact that "illicit" tech, in the wrong hands, can create the wrong type of competition. No one wants and arms race, and that is precisely antithetical to Trump's agenda. However, we have to make the best of a worse-case scenario given what's out there, and who's doing the "mad science" to work with it.
Reminds me of this scene:
Redneck Russkie takes a vengeance approach to Stark tech, and goes viking on a race course. Not only does this endanger the public, it's suicidal on a nationalistic scale, given people's tendency to influence and desire for dominance.
Plain and simple fact? This response sums it up:
What would be a modern day "monolith" of technology that would make everyone want to emigrate to/associate with the nation that espouses it's authorship? Operating systems? Weapons? Human enhancements? Transportation advances? Energy?
What if the advancement isn't technological at all? What if it's ideological? Why are you here? What are we actually witnessing, here, besides truth unveiled? Is there something more to it?
It's a head scratcher, that's for certain.