Just a reminder that we still seem to be short 2 patriots. Antarcticfags please give us some proof of life so that we know you are safe
Well, they do apparently believe in some ancient egyptian Ra bullshit that is essentially cloning.
Normies don't care about privacy. They go by the "If you aren't doing anything wrong, who cares?" mantra. It's hard to get them to buy in to the fact that "wrong" is subjective and ever changing. Who knows what type of people will wield the force and violence of gov't in the next few years and whether or not you will be persecuted
The anon's other coat, they were wearing it in another pic
That is your choice that you may someday regret. If the state gets ahold of you, you're fucked in this dystopian 1984 esque nightmare that we are currently living in. Others would like to make their own choices.
Or killed, since the article about 2 fire suppression technicians being found dead came out at the exact same time that the google china fire was habbening and we were looking into it. Looked like a shot across the bow