Anonymous ID: e76547 Dec. 18, 2018, 10:43 p.m. No.4372646   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Holding the flame doesn't mean sitting around with our fingers up our asses. We need to be doing something. You all need to accept the fact that the people we all are supposed to trust very well and unsurprisingly may not give any fucks about us and this is just an elaborate psyop to placate all those seeking the truth and demanding action.


WE are waiting for Q to take action.

Q HAS NOT taken any action that is significant enough to shift the overton window of what the hell is going on in the world. Day in and day out Trump gets cucked. No FISA declas. Seth Rich is in a fucking grave. Hillary walks free.


Nothing significant has happened and you must accept the possibility nothing significant may happen if we do not organize and formulate our own resistance to (((them))).


If we all just sit here every day posting meme after meme instead of diverting our time and intelligence to better ideas to help FUCK OVER the deep state and shills - they will continue taking over every last part of the internet, every last part of land, every last part of culture - all of it. They will fucking take it all.