Anonymous ID: 1bceda Dec. 19, 2018, 12:24 a.m. No.4373283   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3291 >>3295 >>3313 >>3319 >>3358 >>3379 >>3513 >>3540 >>3588



ANONS: almost 30 of all earthquakes this year occurred at 10Km below the surface, the same depth as the Nov 11 17Hz signal rang the earth like a bell. EXACTLY 10 Km, not 9.9, not 10.1. 10.000000. SAUCE:

1) Nov. 11, 2018 17Hz frequency energy waves propagated through the earth at a depth of 10 Km for 20 minutes (WTF? - manmade absolutely). Waves started from NE of Mayotte Island between E Africa and Madagascar at 10 Km deep then traveled at 10 Km below the surface around the world. FOR 20 MINUTES. (WOW, that is POWER. Unreal power)


2) Go to: This is a raw data search from USGS, you can create your own search for fun later, stick to business for now.


Parameters for Advanced Search: 3.2 Magnitude Min, No Max Magnitude Dates 1-1-2018 to 12-18-2018


That search returns 19,024 earthquakes 3.2 Magnitude and higher. Download into an Excel document and save it.


3) Open your new excell file, and make all the column headers (First row) into filters. First select each filled cell in ROW 1, then wthose highlighted, go to the "Data" tab above, look for "Filter" on the ribbon, and click it. That makes it possible to filter the whole table (all 19,024 rows) by the information that is in the columns, individually.


4) Click on the filter (the little triangle now in the cell) in the "Depth" column, unselect "All” and scroll down until you find "10" and select ONLY "10". Then you will see ONLY the earthquakes that occurred at 10Km below the surface.


5) You should now be seeing only 5,658 of 19,024 earthquakes.


Why DA FUQ does this matter??? because 29.75% of all earthquakes WORLD WIDE occurred at EXCACTLY 10 Km below the surface! The exact same depth that the Nov 11th manmade soundwave rang the earth like a bell at!!!!!!!


COINCIDENCE??? Are you out of your fukkin mind?