Anonymous ID: 9c785d Dec. 19, 2018, 4:51 a.m. No.4374185   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4372429 Cybersecurity failures raise threat of 'deadly missile attacks


>>4373592 US military hit by computer network outage in South Korea


>>4372874, >>4372918 NASA server was hacked as POTUS sets up the space command


>>4372093 Border Patrol discovers tunnel being dug to connect U.S., Mexico


>>4370870 US “Local Partners” in Northeast Syria Are About to be “Sold to Turkey”


"We're in control." - Q


Are you sure?

Anonymous ID: 9c785d Dec. 19, 2018, 5:03 a.m. No.4374295   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4326



This place is dead, dude… We're just here to round up the stragglers still on a slow boat to China with Q.


Trump fucked us.


We fucked up.


Shit is bad.

Anonymous ID: 9c785d Dec. 19, 2018, 5:07 a.m. No.4374324   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>3 id's identified


THIS researcher dug so much he actually read our public ID's that anyone and everyone can see, all the time.


"same group"


Which group? I'm just sitting here at my girlfriend's house, and she went out for coffee. So…


Uh oh, they're onto us… Lol These sharp-witted Q-researchers have shown their intellectual and scholarly prowess again… and have NOTHING to show for those efforts.



Anonymous ID: 9c785d Dec. 19, 2018, 5:10 a.m. No.4374345   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4352 >>4356 >>4375

HEY POTUS… Remember that time you said you would build a wall and get Mexico to pay for it, but then instead you gave Mexico and South America 14.8 billion dollars and left them "on their honor" to build a wall to keep THEMSELVES out? … That was NOT awesome.

Anonymous ID: 9c785d Dec. 19, 2018, 5:14 a.m. No.4374371   🗄️.is 🔗kun

If POTUS was on his own show, "The Apprentice", he would have fired himself already for being a failure and taking FAR too long to accomplish the tasks given to him… The word, "HYPOCRITE" comes to mind.

Anonymous ID: 9c785d Dec. 19, 2018, 5:24 a.m. No.4374436   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4453 >>4456 >>4489 >>4507 >>4521 >>4602



I hate Obama and I voted for Trump faggot… The difference between (You) and I is, I voted for Trump because of the things he promised. You just voted for Trump, regardless of whatever the fuck he does, because you're a pathetic, no-mind, lemming.


I have abandoned my support for Trump, because he has abandoned his promises to myself and my country.


(You) continue to support Trump, DESPITE him failing to keep his promises to you (and even stabbing you in the back), because you do not have the resolve or mental-fortitude to trust your own reason and instincts. You need to be told what to do… Follower.

Anonymous ID: 9c785d Dec. 19, 2018, 5:38 a.m. No.4374533   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>The world is waking up to you and your, you lowlife, scumsucking, POS.


Oh, are they now?


Well tell us then… What have we done to them that they are "waking up to"??? (Serious question)… Because we are patriots to the hilt, buddy. (This ought to be interesting).


Are we controlling the media, or is it the kikes?


Are we lobbying Washington, or is it the kikes?


Are is us, or kikes being constantly exposed as being ritualistic-pedophiles?


Do we want to pay Mexico to build a wall, or did we vote for a wall to be built and Mexico paying for it?


We want justice for Seth Rich, Las Vegas and HRC's crimes… what do you want?


Are we destroying your education system with Marxism, or is it the kikes?


Have we perverted your justice system and courts, or have the kikes?


Did we subvert your Federal reserve and crush the value of your dollar, or was that the kikes?




LARP moar, you fucking follower. That's all you'll ever do.

Anonymous ID: 9c785d Dec. 19, 2018, 5:44 a.m. No.4374584   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4624





>You are not a Jew. You are the scum that has masked himself to be a jew and caused the death of many Jews. Not only the deaths but the torment of countless accusations that do not pertain to the real Jews.


Ummmmm… Of course, I'm not a dirty, fucking Jew-rat like you, loser. Never claimed to be, faggot. Great "research" you're doing there.


>You will be found, and you will be held to account, and it won't be pretty.


Oh here's a shocker… A kike threatening me, AGAIN… OY VEY!!!


Come at me, you fucking Nose-nigger. God-fearing men don't fear Satan or kikes who crawled out of genetic dumpster-fire.


Get some.

Anonymous ID: 9c785d Dec. 19, 2018, 5:49 a.m. No.4374630   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4643



Well this makes me feel a bit better… But, I'd like some moar details on how "indirectly" Mexico is paying for this. Because we just gave Mexico and South America 14.8 billion…

Anonymous ID: 9c785d Dec. 19, 2018, 5:52 a.m. No.4374650   🗄️.is 🔗kun



AND 10 billion to South America.


("Indirectly" must mean, we give them the money to pay for it, THEN they pay for it and keep the change… Pssssshhh)