Anonymous ID: 9e6ac2 Dec. 19, 2018, 4:10 a.m. No.4374000   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4085

>>4364646 (previous notable) #5563

>DoD retweets that it’s ready for a storm


Doing my morning review notables w/ covfefe & this "clicked".


  • Dept of Defense retweeted (on Dec 18th) a (Sep 14th) tweet about 7000 troops being prepared for hurricane Florence = (The Storm).

  • Why retweet that seemingly randomly yesterday of all days?

It's like a (non sequitur) no apparent connection.

  • Same Day (Dec 18th) POTUS RENEWS the EO thus:


Tuesday, 18 December 2018

POTUS has sent a letter to the Speaker of the House extending the National Emergency declared in Executive Order 13818 of December 20, 2017


Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human

Rights Abuse or Corruption.


  • Same day (Dec 18th) this (my post & responses about yesterday):

>>4365001 (You), >>4365066, >>4365074

>Anons talk high strategy re: the plan/board


1: The CF hearing w/ the two expert witnesses brought out [1] very clear point = [The Clinton Foundation] acted as an: (Agent of a Foreign Government) not a charity → While HRC was Sec. of State.

2: Today, the judge in the Flynn sentencing hearing, oddly enough, made it a point to get on the record a statement about TREASON regarding Flynn being an (Agent of a Foreign Government) during his time as Trump's Nat Sec Advisor - then the judge retracted it, but got the "Idea" out there. Many were confused today.

  • These two events were carefully calculated to work together.


I missed the DoD retweet yesterday about "The Storm".

It fits → coordinated messaging = Not usurping (Q) or violating the "No comms outside this platform".

  • Understand the "No Comms" to mean → none claiming direct (Q) access or contact that is relayed to anons.

  • Not no confirmation & messaging comms from fellow Patriot Forces & Allies ie: POTUS, Mil Intel, Mil Branches etc.

1: POTUS renews EO.

2: DoD retweets about troops ready for storm.

3: Gen Flynn court appearance w/ [treason] mentioned MSM "red meat"/bait.


Looks like coordinated confirmation messaging of "Patriot Forces" yesterday, and there could be moar that we missed.

Keep looking & analyzing anons → Our Patriot Forces came here for a good reason.

Let's keep studying comms.

Anonymous ID: 9e6ac2 Dec. 19, 2018, 5 a.m. No.4374262   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4279 >>4387


>China Arrests Third Canadian Citizen As Feud Worsens


What purpose is this (Huawei - China - Canada Feud) serving apart from what appears on the surface?


It seems, by POTUS & the current US Gov actions shining the spotlight on Huawei, ZTE (banning their Gov use & arrest of CFO) & the PLA/PRC espionage connected to them:

  • The networks of espionage & the players (countries & agents) are being exposed to the "General Public".

Now with a 3rd Canadian detained in China it is becoming increasingly apparent [something] is going on. The cat is getting out of the bag.

  • Normies need to be exposed to questions about:

  • Huawei + ZTE + PLA/PRC espionage.

  • Who are these detained Canadians living & working in China?

  • Why were they, in particular, detained?

  • Is there something much bigger this situation is exposing?


This feud, initiated by POTUS, forcing the point, is serving to expose yet another network of Global Cabal activity.


There's moar than meets the eye.

Anonymous ID: 9e6ac2 Dec. 19, 2018, 5:34 a.m. No.4374512   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Chinese parked enormous wealth in Vancouver real estate.



Vancouver, BC + Chinese Billionaires Migration/Settlement deserves a much closer look.

  • The Chinese migration kicked into gear in the 1990's, partially bcuz Hong Kong 1997 hand-over + the explosion of wealth transfer from USA & Canada to PRC = Creating ChiCom Party Crony-Capitalist Billionaires.

  • Facilitated by UK/US/CA/AU/NZ Cabal Collaborators?