Anonymous ID: 60a13d Dec. 19, 2018, 6:12 a.m. No.4374825   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4904

So I've been busy still Digging on Arlington Cemetery . The idea that it could be a Bolt Hole location , got me thinking on Government contracts for Cement and Building in general , The idea being that If there were secret buildings and or a tunnel underground then Digging on Government contracts with Arlington could provide some nuggets. Found a Document that has Some interesting names attached including No Name on it. Still reading but had a hmmm moment when seeing this paragraph .

" At the outset, I want to commend Ms. Condon and the staff

at Arlington for their efforts over the last 18 months. The

corrections made by Ms. Condon, Mr. Hallinan, the Cemetery

staff, the members of the Accountability Task Force, and the

Cemetery's Old Guard,< among others, constitute a sea change

from what we saw under the Cemetery's prior leadership."


There's that term Old Guard again .


another Paragraph


" Senator McCaskill. Thank you, Ms. Condon.

Let us start. So that people realize, I think what I talked

about in my opening statement about the Old Guard, it sounds

like when you say the Cemetery's <Old Guard>, people do not

realize that these are, in fact, active members of the Army

that are assigned to the Cemetery, and while they are called

the Cemetery's <Old Guard>, they are anything but old. These are

young men and women who have been assigned to do the work at

the Cemetery that we all think of, the Honor Guard, the


Here is the site if anyone else wants to dig into this with me

Anonymous ID: 60a13d Dec. 19, 2018, 6:22 a.m. No.4374904   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4949



unobligated funds?


"Senator McCaskill. Thank you. And I will say, in my visit

to Arlington in November, I had the opportunity to look at the

procedures that are now in place and they are–there is a lot

of redundancy. It will be very hard for them to lose track of a

burial site and what remains are located there based on the

processes that are now in place, which is a big improvement.

General Vangjel, I was worried about the unobligated funds

issue. I do not think I need to tell anybody that is testifying

today that we are trying very hard. I think there is a newfound

sense of urgency in Congress to watch every dime that is spent

and to be accountable for every dollar that is obligated. So

imagine my concern that we have $15 million in obligations that

were out there that had never been spent, and in fact, the Army

Audit Agency found that due to poor financial oversight by the

previous administration at the Cemetery, $27 million in

obligations between 2004 and 2010 were made and never


Now, what worries me about this is that nobody noticed,

that clearly the systems were not in place, that someone would

not have some kind of notification that you had significant

unobligated funds that had never been disbursed. I know we

recovered part of them. What about the other $12 million in

undisbursed funds, for any of you, and what kind of

reassurances–and maybe I need to talk to Army Audit here

instead of Inspector General, but if I were the Inspector

General, this would get my attention because I would wonder,

where else are there unobligated funds that are hanging out

that we could pull back for the taxpayers to be put for a more

important use, or better yet, to put back in the Treasury."

Anonymous ID: 60a13d Dec. 19, 2018, 6:27 a.m. No.4374949   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Different set of rules for Arlington ? Brave Whistle Blowers ?


" Ms. Martin [continuing]. In terms of why. I do not think

Arlington or the Army would necessarily come forward to ask it

be changed, but–I am not sure. I mean, there is some history

there in terms of the fact that it is no year money, but–

Senator McCaskill. Yes, but that is exactly what led to

this problem. I mean, setting a different set of rules for

Arlington contributed to the lack of accountability at

Arlington for many years. And if it were not for brave

whistleblowers, we still would not be where we need to be. I

mean, people that worked at Arlington knew that things were

going badly and nothing was happening, and part of that was

this no year end money, I think. Is there a recommendation that

should be made that we should end the notion that Arlington

should not have fiscal year appropriation like anybody else
