Anonymous ID: bd7a22 Dec. 19, 2018, 6:10 a.m. No.4374816   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4822 >>5281

>>4374624 (Last bread)


>So, you're just another wanker who wants to insight Jew hate and shit, because you don't know any better, or you're a Zionist.

>I have to think one way or the other, you see. If I don't go to either or, I have to go to you being a fucking moron who just has no fucking life and stirs shit up.

>I'll guess you've been at /pol? for at least 6 month. Most likely a lot more. You're quite far gone and getting to the point of volitility.




I'm sorry, but you are INCORRECT again. I am NOT a Zionist. Quite to the contrary, I could be classified as more of a "White/American Nationalist". I do not "hate" Jews, or any particular group for that sake alone. That's "racism". However, I hate ALL enemies of my nation and my people. And I despise supremacists… Jews happen to be the ones attacking my people and spreading their uncompatible0influence in my homeland. (((They))) are undoubtedly supremacist ("Chosen by God"???), and have enacted racist-policies in their home-state of Israel. These are verifiable FACTS…. DO YOU SEE HOW YOUR ASSUMPTIONS AND "RESEARCH" ARE WORTHLESS AND INCREDIBLY OFF-BASE?


Are my people peddling their influence and passing anti-White laws in Israel? Or are kikes doing that here and passing anti-Semite laws in America and abroad?


Did my people attack any Israeli warships, while disguised as "allies"?


Did my people have involvement in destroying a world financial symbol by crashing planes into them and collecting the insurance money, in Israel?


When a Jewish student gets caught calling in over 2000 bomb-hoaxes and threats, attempting to paint "White Nationalists" as terrorists, is this the fault of my people?


I noticed you called me a "wanker", as well… You are clearly no American, but perhaps an Englishmen. You sure opinionated about NOT defending Americans too… What a shocker.


Tell us, shall we allow ourselves to be censored, like yourselves? (No thanks… We like our free-speech. You enjoy your gag, cuck.)


In my opinion, /pol/ has become infested with people like (((You)))… A bunch of LARPing kikes, likely paid by JIDF or Hasbara, who agitate for the victimhood of Semites, both Arab and Jew. Kinda like this place, on most days.


Now, do I want to "incite Jew hate and shit", as you say… Not necessarily, however I understand this will be the likely reaction to non-Jews learning the truth about what Jews are really doing to them and what plans they have for them. (What did the Talmud say… 2000 goyim slaves per Jew, right? Good luck with that.)


It must make you uncomfortable with so much information available to the public on the internet, knowing you will eventually be found out. I can understand fully why you attempt to censor and gag people everywhere you go… (((You))) have to. Otherwise, THE PEOPLE would bash your skulls in on the side of the street upon learning what depraved and perverted people you really are.


Go be a kike elsewhere.


You are not welcome in the West.

Anonymous ID: bd7a22 Dec. 19, 2018, 6:19 a.m. No.4374877   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4913



No… His attitude will do FAR moar for our nation and it's people than yours.


"So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth." - Revelation 3:16

Anonymous ID: bd7a22 Dec. 19, 2018, 6:25 a.m. No.4374934   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4959



"I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot." - Rev. 3:15


Let me guess… You're one of those spineless, Boomer "Christians", that lick the boot of Israel. It shows…

Anonymous ID: bd7a22 Dec. 19, 2018, 6:29 a.m. No.4374966   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4982 >>4988



Well explain yourself then, faggot…


Why am I a "wanker"? Because I encourage anons to look at facts??? This upsets you?


So who is really the "wanker" here, pal?



Anonymous ID: bd7a22 Dec. 19, 2018, 6:36 a.m. No.4375027   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Whatever… Our president just endorsed an infringement of of 2nd Amendment rights.


You can be cool with that all you want, cuck.


We are not.

Anonymous ID: bd7a22 Dec. 19, 2018, 6:45 a.m. No.4375108   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5124 >>5168



Oh I know…


(((They))) also murdered over 15 million German men, women and children. Read the book, "Germany Must Perish", written by NY-Jew Theodore Kaufman. It called for the extermination/sterilization of over 17 million Germans. It was a BEST-SELLER in America. After it was printed, the NSDAP ("Nazi") ranks swelled from approx. 8% to well over 80%…


What would you do if the same people that just murdered over 66 million Russians, 7 million Poles and Ukrainians, and 22 million Chinese were calling for your extermination and knocking at your door?


Ever wonder what is was like to be a mother in Germany during WW2? Here ya go… SEE FOR YOURSELF:

Anonymous ID: bd7a22 Dec. 19, 2018, 6:51 a.m. No.4375168   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Anonymous ID: bd7a22 Dec. 19, 2018, 7:04 a.m. No.4375293   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Italy was the kike's first successful European conquest, first flooded with Moors to pave the way for DIE-versity, organized-criminality and Jewry. Those Wops who aren't kikes, are mostly materialistic-crooks. Not all, but most… They know it.


Go to a job-site in NY and you'll notice something. Like kids will gravitate toward "like kids" in the school cafeteria, wops and niggers seem almost magnetically attracted to each other. They have similar materialistic-interests and mannerisms. The young Italian kids even get their hair faded like niggers and sport the latest Nike-shoe. It's fucking hilarious, really…


Sounds ridiculous, right? I get that… But now that I've told you, you'll notice it. And you'll remember this post.


;) Have a nice day.

Anonymous ID: bd7a22 Dec. 19, 2018, 7:17 a.m. No.4375406   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5420


THIS IS WHAT BOTHERS ME, POTUS… You post the same kind of shit that I post on social-media. But, I'm a carpenter. You're the president. We voted for you, so (You) could take care of this, not so you could join the choir of those of us complaining/criticizing. And you said you could/would. So why the fuck are you complaining to me and the American people? DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Be the "Law & Order President" you promised to be, and UPHOLD OUR CONSTITUTION. It's (Your) home-state, for God's sake. I assure you, you are in a much more powerful position than we are…