>>4373974, >>4374025, >>4374098, >>4374131, >>4374271 Dig on Obama's house? (pb Notable)
>>4374271 (pb Notable) Based on this image, search Homefront Holdings LLC…
There are 4 listings for Homefront Holdings LLC, 3 owned by individuals, 1 owned by a service company called Capitol Services Inc.
If you are a politician and want to hide your connections for purchases or set up companies with little or no connection to you, Capitol Services Inc. Would most likely be your choice. Capitol Services Inc. is based in Austin, Texas.
Are there any Bush or other political connections which could account for their nationwide growth?
Is Capitol Services connected to the C_A?
Linked-In page mentions a Board of Directors. Who is on their Board of Directors?
We didn’t envision building a national company when we started Capitol Services in 1978.
A small office in Austin offering Texas UCC searches was all we really had in mind. In fact, if our banker had required us to prepare a business plan, we probably wouldn’t be here today.
Many years ago, our first CPA commented that the best thing we had done was hire nice people. We think that still rings true. Some of those people are still with us today, including two who started with us in our first year of business. Quite a few clients who gave us an opportunity to earn their business that first year remain with us too.
Forty years later, Capitol Services has offices from coast-to-coast providing a full range of corporate, registered agent, and lien services. More importantly, we still hire nice people and retain them. Even though we have continued to grow and add new people, 40% of our employees have been with us for over 10 years.
A lot has changed over the past 40 years, but our mission has remained the same – “to provide friendly, efficient, and cost-effective service to our clients amid a relaxed atmosphere that encourages a balanced work-life experience for our employees.”
John Robinson and Cheryl Roberts
John Robinson - President, Capitol Services, Inc.
Austin, Texas Area
Legal Services
Current : Capitol Services, Inc.
Previous : Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, National Bank of Commerce, Dallas, TX