New evidence shows Titanic set sail already on fire….
“Senan Molony is a journalist in Ireland who has been studying the Titanic for over 30 years. He recently came across an amazing discovery hidden in an attic in England. This hidden gem was pictures taken of the Titanic by the ship-building firm before it left the shipyard. One of these amazing pictures shows a 30 foot long dark marking on the hull, right where the iceberg was known to have struck the ship. This mark was judged by engineers at the Imperial College of London to be caused by the coal fire that took place in the three story-high coal bunker on the ship.
“The fact that a coal fire was going on aboard is well documented. During the inquiry after the sinking, Charles Hendrickson was brought up to testify and talked about the fire. He mentioned that the fire was known of before the Titanic left Belfast and Hendrickson and three to four other men worked to put out the fire. The only way to put out a coal fire in a bunker like this, was to put the burning coal into ship’s furnace.“