I'm thinking that maybe they keystone is the FISA, or the declass, because once it is released the whole thing comes down, just like what would happen if you removed the keystone of an arch. Another possibility now that I think of it is, the MSM. What does a keystone do? It supports and holds everything up. Without it, everything comes crashing down. Just a thought.
Yeah, good point. Satan does exist so. Satan opposes God. False religions are anathema to God. Early false religions generally centered around the natural world, the moon, the sun, nature etc. Today many people worship, "mother earth." There is a rise in spiritualism and naturalism and pretty much anything as long as it doesn't include God, the REAL God, the God of Abraham and the bible.
So, a keystone is a support mechanism that supports a structure of some kind. Sacrifices occur in temples. Sacrifices need victims. How do you get victims? Child sacrifice was a notorious practice of the Caananite god Baal. Ancient Hebrews apparently were in to that kind of thing for quite some time as well as the local non-Hebrew residents.
I guess there truly is nothing new under the sun. The names have changed but the practices are the same.
Satan is the father of lies. Satan is the prince of this world although Christ now has the pink slip that he paid for. Satan corrupts. Truth is the key. Satan hides the truth and uses his lies and corruption to manage those he's corrupted and do his bidding.