Anonymous ID: 7839a9 Dec. 19, 2018, 8:52 a.m. No.4376390   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6417


> testing them for anything is pointless


>That's not the case at all. I've often had bots fail tests, with no human helper intervening– indeed, this happens in the vast majority of cases.


We already know that the bots cannot enter threads without human interaction. IE- there must be a human present to insert the bots into newly created threads.. That's why the bots go away when shift changes happen.


>How many times have you tested bots and had human helpers intervene?


I've never had to "test for it". It's obvious as fuck when the bot is going off the rails and then suddenly gets re-trained by the operator assuming the UID to get the attack back on track.


> I am very curious why our experiences are so different.


Easy. I'm telling you testing them is pointless, because humans babysit them, so you will never get anything but skewed results..


>Now don't get shy and stop answering– we are people just chatting, not hard. So answer friend. Thanks!


Thanks for leaving the tell right at the end, faggot. I might as well tell you at this time that I think you are shill operator "bot spotter" and you are here to make shill analysts look like idiots.


You've been doing it for months and that's why everyone treats you like a fucking asshole.

Anonymous ID: 7839a9 Dec. 19, 2018, 9:05 a.m. No.4376542   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6556 >>6664



This right here is an indictment of Congress. All of Congress, not just the traitors.


And a validation of Trump.


Because if private citizens can raise cash that fast, then it obviously means that Trump is correct when he states Americans want the wall.