Q may be military intelligence but they are morons at marketing and culture. The cabal has owned media and culture for 100 years and (((their))) plan is still reaching the masses.
They want to destroy America, and the west from within. Race wars: white vs black/Asian/brown etc… sex wars: gay vs straight/lgbt+++++++, man vs woman, religious wars: Christian vs atheist/Muslim etc, etc etc… as long as (((They, whoever the fk “they” are))) are ignored while we fight, kill and divide each other.
What’s being done?
Trumps win hasn’t stoped this cultural/media war. Q hasn’t stopped this. WHY? ONE E.O. and their rule of division and tyranny is over. OVER!
Trump/ Q/ us are fighting a war on one front “geo-politically”. While the enemy is attacking on all sides!
Trump doesn’t think much of design and marketing, he used his block face 70’s gold logo for 40 years. While the enemy spends billions and has thousands who have spent their whole lives committed to changing peoples minds through Visual and Audible dialog. Meme wars are fun and effective, but it’s basic and not enough!
What’s being done? Why is the fcc, DoED not doing a thing? Why isn’t trump riding their ass to get shit done? Why isn’t Betsy Devos firing these crazy teachers? Why is Ajit Pai allowing these media companies treat him like a bitch? Who put the media in charge of America’s culture? Fighting fake news is not enough.
Q, Q+, Trump, if you are reading this, please for the love of god, stop the madness of the media! Stop the indoctrination of the children by the insane teachers from kindergarten to college. Then and only then will we get our country back!
Please. Something radical needs to be done.