Anonymous ID: 44ffe3 Dec. 19, 2018, 9:36 a.m. No.4376963   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6981 >>7064 >>7067 >>7149 >>7207 >>7263 >>7445 >>7464 >>7496 >>7687



>>4376201 UK places 3,500 British soldiers on riot alert in case of No Deal Brexit

>>4376222 Former attorney general Loretta Lynch meets with House investigators

>>4376252 Graham rips Trump for withdrawing troops from Syria

>>4376269 FEDERAL PANEL OF JUDGES protect higher courts from investigation

>>4376276 Old Noname tweet about Gaddafi/Assad

>>4376358, >>4376511 HALF A MILLION DOLLARS Now Raised on GoFundMe to Build the Trump Wall

>>4376381, >>4376403 Trump Orders Full Withdrawal From Syria After "Victory Over ISIS"

>>4376389 Der Spiegel says journalist fabricated stories over years

>>4376427 Congress Agrees On Stopgap Funding Bill To Keep Govt Open Until Feb 8

>>4376454 Financial Times Names George Soros ‘Person of the Year’

>>4376526 Media ‘in cahoots’ with French govt: Censored Yellow Vest protester speaks to RT

>>4376544 Russia, Iran & Turkey agree to launch Syrian constitution committee by January

>>4376570 Pro-Israel bully Nikki Haley claims Trump's peace plan is actually better for Palestine

>>4376591, >>4376645 Facebook Gave Tech Companies ‘Intrusive’ Access to Users’ Private and Personal Data

>>4376620 Netanyahu's response to US withdrawal from Syria


>>4376716 Baker is a MOSSAD bitch this is what is notable from this bread

Anonymous ID: 44ffe3 Dec. 19, 2018, 9:38 a.m. No.4376977   🗄️.is 🔗kun

DC attorney general sues Facebook over Cambridge Analytica


The Washington D.C. attorney general has filed a lawsuit suing Facebook for allowing political consultancy firm Cambridge Analytica to gain access to personal data of tens of millions of the site’s users without permission.


The lawsuit, initially reported by the Washington Post, is the first major push by US regulators to hold Facebook to account for its dealings with the shady British consultancy firm after it was revealed earlier this year that it had harvested the personal data of more than 50 million Facebook users without their knowledge.


The Post said the suit could foreshadow other potential legal action and punishments on the way for Facebook as other state and federal investigations continue.

Anonymous ID: 44ffe3 Dec. 19, 2018, 9:41 a.m. No.4377031   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Macron in trouble as French police union announces protest


French police union Alliance Police Nationale called for a “black day for the police” for 19 December in France. The protest is to be “Act 1” just like the “yellow vests”, according to The Local.


The police union is staging their own protests against the embattled Macron’s upcoming cuts to the police budget.


“Police are not doing well and nobody is listening,” states Frédéric Lagache, the deputy secretary general of the Alliance union. He tells The Daily Express that the 2010 budget is “insufficient”.


The French police officers are being run ragged due to constant deployments at the “yellow vest” rallies.


“In the field, fatigue is felt and the police have been sacrificing their family life for almost a month, but they remain determined and their involvement is total even if they expect support and recognition of their administration “, Didier Martinez, a representative of Unité SGP-Police FO, told the La Depeche newspaper.


The UNSA-Police, another union, has said its members would only provide minimal services starting Tuesday. As well, Unité SGP-Police FO, a third police union, have called upon police to take part in protests on 26 January if the government hasn’t addressed the union concerns.


“Without satisfactory response from the government, we will all come down on January 26”


“We demand a salary increase of about € 115 for all peacekeepers and graded by the revaluation of the master’s allowance, we demand strong measures for the officers, peacekeepers, ASD and PATS”.


The “yellow vests” show no signs of disbanding and have inspired rallies and protests throughout other countries in Europe.

Anonymous ID: 44ffe3 Dec. 19, 2018, 9:42 a.m. No.4377046   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7051

Conway: Trump ‘Not Backing Down’ from Wall


White House counselor Kellyanne Conway on Wednesday’s “Fox & Friends” said President Donald Trump “is not softening his stance” on the border security wall in the wake of the possibility he does not shut down the government over funding for the wall.


“[T]his president believes first and solemn duty is to keep us safe and that includes enhanced border security, keep all this poison, all these drugs flowing over our southern border. And people who are risking their lives and coming here illegally,” Conway stated. “The second point doesn’t change the fact that the border is so for porous, that all of the sudden it’s gotten worse since those Democrats voted for border security 12 years ago. It’s only gotten worse. So this president is not going to back down from that. And he will continue to fight for that funding. It’s not just a wall. He said in a tweet overnight it’s not just a wall.”


When asked if Trump is still “willing” to shut down the government, Conway said it is a possibility.


“The president has said that he is willing to do what he has to do to get that border security, including a government shutdown,” she outlined. “Now, we’ll see what the Senate and the House — what they come together and present to the president..”

Anonymous ID: 44ffe3 Dec. 19, 2018, 9:44 a.m. No.4377081   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7133 >>7379

Possible next EU boss says nationalism is “the way of destruction”


Left-wing politician Frans Timmermans from the Netherlands was nominated last week as the next President of the European Commission.


If elected, he promises to crush all conservative governments in the EU and make Europe and Africa a joint continent.


Timmermans is today the first Vice-President of the European Commission, and has a good chance of taking over as President after Jean-Claude Juncker.


In earlier statements, Timmermans has said that Europe cannot continue to be a place of peace and freedom unless diversity through mass migration is implemented in the continent, even in its most distant parts.


In his speech at the PES Congress recently, he made it clear that the EU Commission under his leadership will have zero tolerance for countries that oppose any part of his globalist progressive agenda, especially migration from the third world.


Democracy, according to Timmermans, is primarily about respect for minorities. And he also promised to give foreign-funded and migration-friendly NGOs unrestricted access to the EU.


He argues that “it is fated” that Africa is incorporated into Europe and that the two become one large continent in terms of free movement.


The responsibility for the African population, which is expected to more than double to 2.2 billion people by 2050, rests as much on us in Europe as the Africans themselves, he stated.


In conclusion, he sharply attacked nationalists whom he means hate other countries and can only exist if they are allowed to appoint others as enemies.


According to Timmermans, “nationalism is the way of destruction”.


“Let’s destroy Europe, let’s break it down. And they believe that out of this destruction, would come back a Europe of Nations, strong again. That is the first vision. I think it is self-destructive,” he concluded.

Anonymous ID: 44ffe3 Dec. 19, 2018, 9:48 a.m. No.4377134   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7321 >>7611

Guardian challenged over ‘fake’ Assange & Manafort story, as Luke Harding goes AWOL


Leading journalists have called out the Guardian for not retracting their story that claimed Wikileaks’ Julian Assange met with ex-Donald Trump operative Paul Manafort despite a lack of evidence to support the claims.


Lead by ex-Guardian writer, now co-editor at the Intercept, Glenn Greenwald, various journalists and activists attacked the publication for going silent on the ‘bombshell’ story, while at the same time hailing that they are Britain’s most trusted news outlet.


On November 27, the Guardian splashed with an eye-catching article, claiming that its journalists had seen an Ecuadorian intelligence agency document detailing that Manafort and Assange had met three times in the London Ecuadorian embassy, including during the run-up to the 2016 US Presidential Election.


The piece suggested that “Russians” were also guests at the embassy, though it failed to identify any individuals in question. The article also didn’t include any non-anonymous sources nor did it reproduce, in any capacity, the document in question. No police force or intelligence service has corroborated the story despite the Ecuadorian embassy being one of the most surveilled spots in London.

Anonymous ID: 44ffe3 Dec. 19, 2018, 9:50 a.m. No.4377158   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7321 >>7611

Swedish Cities Lose Track of Returning ISIS Fighters


Half of Sweden’s 300 Islamic State fighters have returned from the Middle East, but a survey has revealed several municipalities have little idea who among their residents are former fighters.


The survey found that out of the municipalities believed to be the homes of the 150 returnees, the local authorities could only identify 16 adults and ten children, Swedish public broadcaster SVT reports.


The cities and municipalities of Malmö, Borås Gothenburg, Stockholm, and Örebro saw the most fighters leave to fight with the terror group.


Estimates state that in Gothenburg and Västra Götaland, the number of returnees is somewhere in the dozens, but Gothenburg could only name ten adults and eight minors that they were aware of.


Stockholm, which identified one individual who turned out to live in another municipality, is thought to have 35 to 40.


The heavily migrant populated city of Malmö is thought to have at least 15 returnees, although the city did not answer the survey.


Terrorist researcher Magnus Ranstorp said the survey showed there was a “deep culture of silence” in areas such as those in Stockholm where some locals are unwilling to speak to police and other authorities about returning fighters.


Ranstorp slammed the government saying the fighters presented a very real security risk and the government needed to do more to act and prosecute fighters if they engaged in terrorism overseas.


“They return, and their threshold of violence is totally different. This means that they can be extremely dangerous,” he said.


The terror expert has been vocal in the past about his criticism of the way the government has handled the issue of returning fighters.


In 2017, he came out against suggestions that the country should reintegrate returning fighters, saying “This is how ill-prepared we are to deal with returnees” in response to an interview with then-Swedish Minister for Culture and Democracy Alice Bah Kuhnke.


He also came out against a court ruling by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) earlier this year that prevented Sweden from deporting a migrant linked to terrorist activities.

Anonymous ID: 44ffe3 Dec. 19, 2018, 9:55 a.m. No.4377215   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US Starts Withdrawal From Syria, SDF Calls It “Stab In The Back”


On December 19, White House Press Secretary, Sarah Sanders, announced that the U.S. has started withdrawing its troops from Syria following President Donald Trump declared that ISIS has been defeated in the country.


“We have started returning United States troops home as we transition to the next phase of this campaign … The United States and our allies stand ready to re-engage at all levels to defend American interests whenever necessary, and we will continue to work together to deny radical Islamist terrorists’ territory, funding, support and many means of infiltrating our borders,” Sanders said.


The White House didn’t reveal any further details about the matter. However, an official told the Reuters news agency that the U.S. plans to pull its forces out of the warn-torn country once the final stages of the last operation against ISIS is complete. According to the official, the time-frame for the troop pullout is expected to be between 60 to 100 days.


The official added All U.S. State Department personnel are being evacuated from Syria within 24 hours as a first step.


The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) confirmed that senior U.S. officials had informed the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which control northeastern Syria, of Trump’s decision. The UK-based monitoring group said that the SDF’s leader were “shocked” and considered the possible withdrawal of U.S. forces a “stab in the back.”


According to Reuters, the decision to withdraw U.S. forces from Syria was taken after a phone call between Trump and his Turkish counterpart Tayyip Erdogan on December 18. This indicate that the SDF-held area, may soon witness a Turkish invasion.

Anonymous ID: 44ffe3 Dec. 19, 2018, 9:59 a.m. No.4377270   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7611

Pakistan Sentences Two Christians to Death for Blasphemy


A Pakistani court has sentenced two Christians in Punjab to death for the crime of blasphemy, following their arrest in 2015.


The two brothers, Qaisar and Amoon Ayub, were accused in 2011 of posting material offensive to Islam on their website, and subsequently sent to the Jhelum prison in Lahore in 2015. Qaisar testified that he had shut down the offending website in 2009 but that a Muslim acquaintance of his had resurrected the site keeping the copyright in Qaisar’s name.


On December 13, Judge Javed Iqbal Bosal heard the case in the Jhelum prison for security reason, and there declared the brothers guilty and sentenced them to death. The men are both married and Qaisar is the father of three children.


The Center for Legal Aid, Assistance and Settlement (CLAAS), an interfaith organization that offers free legal support to victims of religious intolerance, is representing Qaiser Ayub and announced that it will appeal the sentence to the Lahore High Court as soon as possible. Qaisar’s brother Amoon is represented by the Pakistan office of the American Center for Law & Justice (ACLJ).


According to Nasir Saeed, the UK director of CLAAS, the accusation of blasphemy often triggers a violent reaction from Islamic radicals, which often involves threats to judges, upsetting the judicial process.


“Because of the threats of the fundamentalists, lower courts pass the responsibility to the High Courts and these take years to prove the innocence of the accused. This is what we saw with the recent case of Asia Bibi,” Saeed said.


“I am afraid now Qaisir and Amoon will have to wait years to get justice,” Saeed added.


According to Pakistan’s blasphemy laws, insulting the Prophet Muhammad is a crime punishable by death, while disrespecting the ‎Quran incurs life imprisonment.


The death sentence of Qaisar and Amoon Ayub comes hard on the heels of the October acquittal of Asia Bibi, Pakistan’s most famous blasphemy case.


Pakistan’s Supreme Court overturned the death sentence imposed on the Christian Asia Bibi in 2010, calling the accusations of blasphemy against her “nothing short of concoction incarnate,” while saying that the complainants had insulted Islam by fabricating charges.


Asia Bibi had recently completed her ninth year in jail for her Christian faith after being arrested for blasphemy in 2009 and sentenced to death by hanging in 2010.


In June 2009, Pakistani police arrested Asia Bibi on charges of blasphemy following complaints by Muslim women backed up by an Imam, who claimed she had insulted the prophet Muhammad.


The accusations followed on a dispute between Bibi and a group of Muslim coworkers. She had been harvesting berries in a field with a group of Muslim women who grew angry with her for drinking out of the same metal water bowl as them, insisting that as a Christian she was unclean.


Bibi currently remains under high security in an undisclosed location in Pakistan for fear of Muslim radicals who want her killed.

Anonymous ID: 44ffe3 Dec. 19, 2018, 10:04 a.m. No.4377324   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Investigation Reveals US Sportswear Made In Sweatshop By "Re-educated" Chinese Muslims

Anonymous ID: 44ffe3 Dec. 19, 2018, 10:05 a.m. No.4377344   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Many of us believe that may be the case, time will tell. McConnell accepted tens of millions from Wall Street over the years all illegal bribes

Anonymous ID: 44ffe3 Dec. 19, 2018, 10:07 a.m. No.4377366   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7391

IHOP Boycotts Tucker Carlson But Not Saudi Arabia


IHOP is boycotting advertising on Tucker Carlson’s show after facing pressure from left-wing activists.

IHOP cited its company “values” to justify the boycott, but still does business in Saudi Arabia, an oppressive regime with a lengthy record of human rights abuses.

The pancake chain also profits from businesses in Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates, which have similarly poor records on human rights.


Breakfast chain IHOP cited its company “values” to justify boycotting Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s show, even as the company profits from its businesses in Saudi Arabia, a notorious violator of human rights.


Saudi Arabia’s repeated human rights violations include “unlawful killings,” “official gender discrimination against women” and “criminalization of same sex sexual activity,” according to the U.S. State Department.


The State Department also notes that the forced labor of immigrant workers is a significant human rights issue in Saudi Arabia.


Left-wing activists pressured advertisers to boycott Carlson’s show after he said liberals believe America has a “moral obligation to admit the world’s poor … even if it makes our own country poorer and dirtier and more divided.”


Carlson, a co-founder of The Daily Caller News Foundation, made the comment in reference to migrant caravans making their way through Mexico.


Left-wing activists with ThinkProgress and Media Matters immediately launched a campaign to pressure Carlson’s advertisers to abandon his show — a tactic activists have used against other Fox News hosts, including Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity.


A spokeswoman for IHOP told HuffPost on Tuesday that the pancake chain stands for “welcoming folks from all backgrounds and beliefs into our restaurants and continually evaluate ad placements to ensure they align with our values. In this case, we will no longer be advertising on this show.”


But IHOP’s values don’t preclude the company from doing business in Saudi Arabia, which is listed on the company’s website as one of the countries where IHOP does business.

Anonymous ID: 44ffe3 Dec. 19, 2018, 10:10 a.m. No.4377409   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7616

LA bishop accused of misconduct with a minor resigns as Vatican releases statement saying Pope Francis will allow Monsignor Alexander Salazar to step down


Monsignor Alexander Salazar has resigned over misconduct allegations

Los Angeles auxiliary bishop is accused of inappropriate activity with a minor

Most Rev Jose Gomez, said the archdiocese was made aware of claims in 2005

No details have been released but the alleged incident dates back to the 1990s


Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of Los Angeles auxiliary bishop Monsignor Alexander Salazar, following historic allegations of misconduct with a minor.


The Vatican announced the resignation in a one-line statement, giving no details of the alleged incident.


The current archbishop of Los Angeles, Most Rev. Jose Gomez, said the archdiocese was made aware of the claim in 2005, which dates back to the 1990s.


Gomez said prosecutors declined to bring charges, but that the archdiocese forwarded the complaint to the Vatican office that handles sex abuse cases.


Gomez said that office, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, imposed precautionary measures against Salazar and that a further investigation by the archdiocese's independent review board found the allegation to be credible.


Gomez said Salazar, 69, has 'consistently denied any wrongdoing.' The archdiocese said it had received no other allegations against Salazar.


'These decisions have been made out of deep concern for the healing and reconciliation of abuse victims and for the good of the church's mission,' Gomez told the Los Angeles faithful in a letter.


'Let us continue to stay close to the victim survivors of abuse, through our prayer and our actions.'


Gomez said that the alleged misconduct occurred while Salazar was a parish priest in the 1990s, and that the claim was never directly brought to the archdiocese. Other details weren't released.

Anonymous ID: 44ffe3 Dec. 19, 2018, 10:18 a.m. No.4377499   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7508 >>7587

TRUMP WALL CENSORED: GoFundMe Page for Trump Border Wall Removed From Trending Campaigns


Brian Kolfage, the triple amputee Air Force veteran who is behind the #GoFundTheWall effort on GoFundMe, told The Gateway Pundit that he believes the crowdfunding site has begun censoring the fund to build the wall along our southern border.


In an update to supporters of the campaign, which is barrelling towards $700k in the first 48 hours, he alleges that it is becoming increasingly harder to find the #GoFundTheWall page through the search tool on GoFundMe. Kolfage is urging people to share the direct link on social media and with prospective donors in order to avoid confusion.


“GoFundMe removed our Trump Wall campaign from their top list. We are the top fundraiser right now and they removed it from the list. We were front and center on their homepage. Do they not want us to succeed?


Why are they suppressing us? Just like Facebook & Twitter have done, now GoFundme?


NOTE: They haven’t stopped us from fundraising. They just made it difficult for people to find us.”

Anonymous ID: 44ffe3 Dec. 19, 2018, 10:20 a.m. No.4377524   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Russia Calls on Israel, Lebanon to Respect ‘Blue Line’ Border - Envoy to UN


Israel and Lebanon should respect the border demarcation between the two countries, known as the "Blue Line", to avoid confrontations after the discovery of Hezbollah tunnels, the Russian representative to the United Nations, Safronkov, said.


"We are convinced that maintaining calm along the dividing line between Israel and Lebanon is necessary not only to prevent the escalation in this region, but also for stability in a broader context," Russian Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vladimir Safronkov told the UN Security Council on Wednesday. "The Blue Line is not an internationally recognized border, and the commitments around it have a mutual character."


Commenting on building peaceful relations between Israel and Lebanon after the discovery of the Hezbollah tunnels, Safronkov noted that the two countries needed to avoid emotional talk and respect each other’s sovereignty.


NOTE: Netanyahu made the claim his missiles can hit the enitre mid east the same day Trump told him he was withdrawing from Syria!!! Coincidence right??

Anonymous ID: 44ffe3 Dec. 19, 2018, 10:21 a.m. No.4377543   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hackers Breach Click2Gov Software to Steal Thousands of Credit Card Records



Paying parking tickets or municipal water taxes is never fun—and it’s even worse when hackers have compromised your town’s payment system. Yet, that’s what happened in dozens of towns across the U.S. where cyber crooks have made off with the personal data of nearly 300,000 people.


Security research firm Gemini Advisory published a report Tuesday that provides new details on how vulnerabilities in Click2Gov, a widely used type of government payment software, has affected towns from Oceanside, Calif. to Sarasota, Fla.


The vulnerability has let hackers get onto the payment networks and steal credit card and debit card data when citizens use town websites to pay fines, taxes, and permits.


Reports of vulnerabilities in Click2Gov first surfaced in 2017 and, in September, cyber security giant FireEye confirmed the attacks were a nationwide problem.

Anonymous ID: 44ffe3 Dec. 19, 2018, 10:27 a.m. No.4377638   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Because they had to control him. That has now been handed to Russia as Russia has all the dirt on him so is using him to leverage him to stop attacking northern Syria and Iraq. Who do you think is supporting the terrorists in Idlib?