TY Bakers!!!
So, why would Flynn do that? Clearly, I'm an idiot on this part of the puzzle, but I want to understand how it fits into the plan.
This is a FANTASTIC read. TY, and TY Gen. Flynn.
>Washington’s silence on this explosive topic speaks volumes when we hear the incredulous claim that the democratically elected president of Turkey staged a military coup, bombed his own parliament and undermined the confidence in Turkey’s strong economy, just so that he could purge his political opponents.
So, long story short, CIA/MOS were trying to turn Turkey into Iran; Islamic extremist state 2.0. Erdogan might not be the most awesomest of besties, but he's at least secular. The MSM tried to paint him a dictator, where he is not. Coup was likely a CIA move, and Erdogan is the Turk Patriot.
Not only that, Gulen is running charter schools in the US, bringing invaders to the country, has a major law team backing, siphoning US tax dollars, has a great deal of charitable support from organizations that also donate to the CF.
Fuuuuuuckin-A. This, right fucking here, is why Flynn is so pivotal to the whole thing. His (and others) efforts are literally trying to prevent another Mecca competitor.
Yep. Flynn and others prevented that. Probably the first time since 1979. Cabal got so used to doing it, it probably blindsided the fuck out of them.
Genie Oil is a major problem. The Golan Heights is a hotbed of contention between Syria and Israel. Now, remember who owns Israel (Balfour Declaration), and then look at the board of advisors of that company.
>Michael Steinhardt (SAB Chairman)
>Richard Cheney
>Marry Landrieu
>Rupert Murdoch
>Bill Richardson
>Jacob Rothschild, OM, GBE
>Dr. Lawrence Summers
>R. James Woolsey
This is exactly why they are shaking in their boots, and some are "riling up the public" to draw attention to it (think Graham). Graham gets a little egg in the eye for playing a great actor part.
Golan Heights:
the Golan Heights is the area captured from Syria and occupied by Israel during the Six-Day War, territory which Israel effectively annexed in 1981. This region includes the western two-thirds of the geological Golan Heights, as well as the Israeli-occupied part of Mount Hermon.
So, knowing what we know now about Turkey thanks to anons article:
Syria was next to get assfucked, as they had already started setting up nuke sites all over northern Syria as part of their strat in the "global game of Risk" to get a stranglehold on the world's resources, and continue their fuckery of cabal worship:
Read up on Preterists POV of end times. Taking a partial view on that explains that we've, perhaps, been living in the tribulation for some time now, and the judgement is coming. Q and team taking the reigns back from the cabal is ending the rule of Satan over the earth. Interesting to think about, at least.
Ted Cruz link was a fun read, regardless :)