Here is an idea: cut all aid to all countries immediately. No more caring about the world, only caring about the USA. No warning, nothing. The shock alone should cause many a shit filled pant leg as the jibs are gone and the gloves are off. They want to get cute, pull military support and shut down our bases. Pull all equipment and render all defenses for foreign countries inoperable. We protect most countries, not the other way around. Make sure Russia is our primary ally, since they don't want to fuck with us and we don't want to fuck with them. If we are united, no one else will fuck with us because of the sheer scale of destruction that would reign down.
IF this trust could be fully established, all other threats from other countries are empty. Need to prove it? Seize every foreign business, asset, home, ect.. in the USA and repatriate it to America. (We could do this now) Deport every foreign national and non citizen. Pull USA citizenship from those who have dual loyalties and deport them too. Then tell every country we owe debt to to go fuck themselves. Then to add insult, seize all their gold as well for good measure. We have been lied to, the world needs US, not the other way around.
Use all the seized assets, saved aid, ect.. to reimburse US citizens enough to stay calm while the US becomes fully self sufficient. The trillions and trillions that have disappeared could have started this process years ago. Release classfied energy tech for the USA and we no longer need SA. We don't really rely on anyone else and if do need something specific, we barter for it from a position of power. Harden our infrastructure, build American indutries and remove all things foreign from anything resembling national security. Cut off our intel to everyone. Increase and focus all of our capabilities on other countries, NOT the fucking American people. Let all these so called allies who have been riding the backs of Americans for decades fend for themselves for a change and see how quickly their attitudes change. When, and only when we get OUR shit together as a county and have taken care of OUR needs to we even begin to worry about anyone else again.