Anonymous ID: bf8f9c Dec. 19, 2018, 10:38 a.m. No.4377753   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7810 >>7820 >>7964 >>8157 >>8413 >>8473

Government Silent As Cartel Civil War Rages in Coastal Mexico


MORELIA, Michoacán – Officials and news outlets in Mexico remain silent about a series of gun battles spanning days in this coastal state. The violence is tied to an apparent rift within the dominant cartel in Michoacán, where authorities largely stand to the side while rival factions clash.

Anonymous ID: bf8f9c Dec. 19, 2018, 10:40 a.m. No.4377787   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7825 >>8157 >>8413 >>8473

Kikes are pissed


Trump Turns the Ties Between Israel and U.S. Jews Totally Toxic


Netanyahu’s government is increasingly perceived as the Kellyanne Conway of Trump’s race baiting and the Rudy Giuliani of his America First agenda


Last week I participated in a conference on “Zionism 3.0”, organized by the Oshman Family Jewish Community Center of Palo Alto and the Reut Group. The gathering, dedicated to “Uniting a Divided People”, was sold out - an indication, presumably, of the concern felt by many Jews over the growing rift between Israel and American Jews. The degree of engagement was thus encouraging and depressing at the same time.


This was my second Z3 conference in Palo Alto. The first, cosponsored by Haaretz, was held three years ago, in a completely different era. Relations between Israel and American Jews were already troubled, but hardly at the top of the conference agenda; Iran, the peace process and BDS seemed to matter more. The Kotel deal with the Reform and Conservative had yet to be concluded and then dumped. And Israel’s government had yet to take such a decisive right-wing turn.

Anonymous ID: bf8f9c Dec. 19, 2018, 10:44 a.m. No.4377836   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8079

Escalation: The Continued Conflict in Kosovo, The Outright “Criminalization” of the Pristina Government


Since the disintegration of Yugoslavia in the nineties, its former constituent republics have been mired in a state of perpetual conflict.


Nowhere is this more apparent than the contested state of Kosovo.


In 1998, Albanian separatists in the Serbian province of Kosovo i Metohija began a campaign of attacks, with the express objective of creating a unified, ethnically homogenous, Greater Albanian state. Spearheaded by an organization known as the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), which is widely regarded by many nations, including the United States, as a terrorist organization, ethnic Albanian militants attacked Serbian security forces, and terrorized civilians in a brutally violent campaign.


As Newton’s Third Law states, “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” When Albanian attacks intensified, Serbian security forces rose to meet them, and the world began to take notice. Already an international pariah state following the recent conflicts in Croatia and Bosnia-Hercegovina, Serbia, then known as the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and controlled by Slobodan Milosevic, found itself on the losing end of a public relations battle. The KLA, playing the role of freedom fighters, managed to find allies in many Western nations, including NATO members. What followed was a coordinated campaign against Milosevic’s Yugoslavia, including a highly controversial 78-day bombing campaign. Following this, hostilities officially ended with the passing of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244, which mandated a withdrawal of Serbian forces from Kosovo and the institution of a multinational, United Nation-led peacekeeping force, known as the Kosovo Force (KFOR).


Image on the right: The ruins of the Church of Saint Elijah (Crkva Svetog Ilije) in Podujevo, which was destroyed by Albanian radicals during the 2004 pogrom.

Anonymous ID: bf8f9c Dec. 19, 2018, 10:54 a.m. No.4377955   🗄️.is 🔗kun

China Accused Of "Huge Hack" Of Thousands Of European Diplomatic Cables


Step side Russia: the new global hacking bogeyman is now officially China.


Just days after the US accused Beijing of hacking hundreds of millions of Marriott accounts and extracting the private data of countless Americans, even as the ongoing diplomatic feud over Chinese "intermediation" in western communications via the likes of Huawei escalates, moments ago the EU unveiled that China was now also the new Wikileaks, accusing hacker tied to China's People's Liberation Army of a "huge hack" of its diplomatic cables and reviving fears about vulnerabilities in the 28-country bloc’s data systems.


According to investigators, hackers had accessed cables on a variety of geopolitical issues including terrorism, transatlantic relations, peace in the Middle East, arms control, the South China Sea and the Asia and Oceania working party.


In a campaign dating back at least to 2015, the hackers gained access to more than a hundred organisations including the EU’s Coreu electronic communication network, the FT reported citing a report due to be published on Wednesday by cyber security company Area 1 Security, that exposed the breach. According to the report, Chinese hackers used the Cypriot foreign ministry as an entry point to conduct cyber espionage over several years throughout the block. Other targets included parts of the UN and the AFL-CIO, a confederation of American unions that may have been of interest to the Chinese because it was involved in trade negotiations.


The EU Council secretariat said it was “actively investigating” allegations of a “potential leak of sensitive information”. “The Council Secretariat takes the security of its facilities, including its IT systems, extremely seriously,” it added.


The revelations come as the latest embarrassment to the EU at a time of heightened concerns about the ability of groups linked to perpetual cyberwarfare bogeyman Russia and other powers to exploit weak links in its information and financial networks.


But how do we know it's China this time and not, say, North Korea, Moscow, or some basement dwelling supporter of Julian Assange? Well, according to Oren Falkowitz, CEO of Area 1, he had “absolute confidence” that a Chinese group was behind the attacks, because of an extensive analysis of their techniques… the same way CrowdStrike had "absolute confidence" Russia hacked the DNC server without, of course, allowing the FBI to also investigate it independent. He linked the hacks to the Strategic Support Force of the People’s Liberation Army.


In a hack surprisingly reminiscent of how "the Russians" got access to John Podesta's email, Area 1 said the hackers initially accessed the system using unsophisticated phishing techniques, sending an email with a malicious link or attachment to people inside the ministry in Cyprus.


“It only takes access to one of the parties to expose all the other secrets,” Mr Falkowitz said. “You just break the weakest link in the diplomatic chain.”


Of course, cynics may respond that this is just another convenient arrangement meant to escalate cyberwar tensions between the west and China.


The hack is the latest to involve China, whose government reached an agreement with the Obama administration in 2015 designed to curtail corporate espionage hacking companies to steal intellectual property or data, but it did not directly address more conventional cyber espionage against governments. As a trade war escalates between the US and China, the agreement is under pressure.


The thousands of hacked documents revealed concerns in the EU “about an unpredictable [President Donald] Trump administration and struggles to deal with Russia and China and the risk that Iran would revive its nuclear programme”, according to the New York Times, which also had access to the trove.


As for Cyprus being used as the entry point, that too is hardly a coincidence: the alleged use of the Mediterranean island as the "unwitting gateway" for the hack is likely to intensify some EU states’ security focus on Nicosia, after concerns about Russian money and influence there.


As the FT notes, the bloc is grappling separately to plug weaknesses in its financial supervision revealed by revelations that €200bn of suspect cash — largely from clients in Russia and other former Soviet republics — had flowed through the Estonian branch of Denmark’s Danske Bank.

Anonymous ID: bf8f9c Dec. 19, 2018, 11:05 a.m. No.4378100   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Citizen Science And EMF/RF: When Home is Where the Hurt Is (or the Hospital, or Work, or School, or Everywhere)


There is a building in a nearby town that is on the market again. The building sits adjacent to a church that houses a nursery school and a second-hand clothing shop.


Every two to three years, another business in that small building next to the church falters. Is it because of an economic issue, or is there another explanation hidden from view?


In another nearby town, two different practitioners are treating a couple – he has restless leg syndrome, and she has breast cancer. Are their conditions related?

Love Canal Launches Environmental Activism


A few decades ago, according to the Center for Health and Environmental Justice,


Lois Gibbs was raising her family in Love Canal, near Niagara Falls in upstate New York, in 1978 when she discovered that her home and those of her neighbors were sitting next to 20,000 tons of toxic chemicals.


That shocking discovery spurred Lois to lead her community in a three-year struggle to protect their families from the hazardous waste buried in their backyards. By trial and error, Lois and her neighbors developed the strategies and methods to educate and organize the community, assess the impacts of toxic wastes on their health, and challenge corporate and government policies on the dumping of hazardous materials. Her leadership led to the relocation of 833 Love Canal households.


“Completed in 1979, the study found increases among residents in miscarriages, still births, crib deaths, nervous breakdowns, hyperactivity, epilepsy and urinary tract disorders. Miscarriages were found to have increased 300%, for example, and most occurred in women who lived in the historically wet areas. From 1974 to 1978, 56% of the children in the Love Canal neighborhood were born with a birth defect, including three ears, double row of teeth, and mental retardation. There were almost three times as many defects in historically wet areas.”


Every step a government agency took to address the damage done from toxic chemicals at Love Canal, from the health studies to evacuation, was done for political reasons. None of the decisions were initiated based on scientific evidence. LCHA truly believes that if it had not been for the large, strong citizen organization, families would still be living at Love Canal with the health authorities saying there were no health problems.


The canal families didn’t know that they were being exposed to poisonous chemicals, nor were they aware that chemical wastes were being dumped in our rivers, soil, and air. Love Canal awoke a community to the unpleasantness and unfortunate realization of how toxic wastes affect out lives, and destroy our environment. Residents at Love Canal always believed that the government would automatically protect them. They were wrong; in some cases dead wrong.[1]



Anonymous ID: bf8f9c Dec. 19, 2018, 11:08 a.m. No.4378150   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8157 >>8170 >>8237 >>8413 >>8473

US Federal Reserve Increases Interest Rates Against Trump's Wishes


The US central bank moved to lift the federal funds rate from 2.25 percent to 2.50 percent, the technical tool the Fed is able to tinker with through open market operations. The move defies the wishes of American politicians as US President Donald Trump, who called for the Fed to keep rates standing pat.


The Federal Reserve lowered its forecast for future rate hikes.

Anonymous ID: bf8f9c Dec. 19, 2018, 11:14 a.m. No.4378215   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8244 >>8260 >>8262 >>8269 >>8413 >>8473

Judge Sullivan of Flynn Fame Just Blocked Trump’s Asylum Crackdown – Demands Deported Aliens Under Policy Be Brought Back


Boy, were we wrong about this guy!


On Tuesday Judge Emmet Sullivan dressed down military hero General Michael Flynn in federal court. Sullivan called Flynn a man who “sold out his country” and committed “treason.” He later walked back the treason part but the damage was already done.


On Wednesday Judge Emmet Sullivan blocked President Trump’s asylum crackdown and ordered deported illegal aliens to be brought back.


He was supposed to be the ‘good’ DC judge. Boy, were we fooled.


The Washington Times reported:


A federal judge blocked the Trump administration’s attempts to speed up deportations for people with bogus asylum claims, ruling Wednesday that the president and his team had gone beyond what Congress intended.


Judge Emmet G. Sullivan — who a day earlier had excoriated former Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn — ordered the government to allow migrants with iffy claims to be given a full chance to make their case for asylum.


And he ordered the U.S. to un-deport plaintiffs in the case who were already ousted under the new policy, saying they deserve to be brought back and allowed to claim asylum.


“Because it is the will of Congress — not the whims of the executive — that determines the standard for expedited removal, the court finds that those policies are unlawful,” Judge Sullivan wrote.


His decision overturns a move by former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who had tried to block asylum claims of migrants who said they faced gang violence or domestic abuse back home.


Mr. Sessions had argued that while traumatic, those reasons strayed far from the political or religious persecution by governments that traditionally made someone eligible for asylum.


Note: This guy must know he's fucked and is lashing out. WTF was in that note to him yesterday???

Anonymous ID: bf8f9c Dec. 19, 2018, 11:19 a.m. No.4378303   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8315 >>8316 >>8360 >>8413 >>8473

A Judge Says Cops Have No Duty To Protect Kids From School Shootings. This Is Why We Need The Second Amendment.



A federal judge ruled this week that neither the police nor the school system had any duty to protect students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High during the shooting that claimed 17 lives last year.


U.S. District Judge Beth Bloom dismissed a lawsuit filed by several students of the school. She claims that the duty to protect only applies to prisoners and others who are being held in state custody involuntarily. Kids, apparently, are on their own. The motion filed by the judge, according to the Miami Herald, explains, incredibly, that children in school have "the ability to take care of themselves." Bloom also argued that the shooter was not a "state actor." Which is an entirely irrelevant point that nobody disputes.


This is not the first time that the courts have relieved law enforcement of any legal obligation to actually protect the citizens who are paying their salaries. Bloom has precedent on her side, if not rationality or sound moral reasoning. But this case isn't exactly the same as some of the others that have dealt with similar issues. At Stoneman Douglas, the cop who cowered outside while children were slaughtered at their desks was a school resource officer. His whole job was to see to the safety of those very kids. If a school resource officer has no duty to protect the children at the school where he is stationed, then the position is pointless. A school resource officer with no duty to protect is essentially just a piece of moving furniture, taking up space and wasting money.


The other difference between this and superficially similar cases is that kids are legally required to attend school. Judge Bloom didn't find this point relevant, but it is indeed extremely relevant. Truancy is a crime. You could go to jail if your kid doesn't show up for class. It is simply beyond the pale to claim that the state has no duty to ensure the safety of the kids whose attendance they have legally mandated. Duty should not be a one way street. It should not be, in a free country, that parents have a duty to send their children to school but schools have no duty to see to the well-being of those children, and citizens have a duty to obey the police but police have no duty to protect and serve those citizens. This is how things work in a dictatorship, not a free republic. Not a country where agents of the state claim the title "public servants."


Fortunately, though we may not look like a free republic in many respects, we do still have the Bill of Rights. The second article in that document is even more crucial given this ruling. We have the right to arm ourselves. We would be wise to take advantage of this right. The state may decide to help us out if we're in trouble, but it may not. It evidently recognizes no obligations either way. Perhaps a police officer will come charging into harm's way to rescue us, like the hero cops in Pittsburgh. Perhaps they will hide behind a tree, like the coward in Broward. It is better not to pin your hopes on that roll of the dice.


Of course, the Second Amendment can do little for our children in the public school system. They will still be exposed and vulnerable, and the authority that has taken them into its custody will not necessarily promise to shield them when the bullets start flying. Perhaps that's another good reason to keep your kids out of the system entirely.