This is an interesting story that I want to share with you all. I came across it while digging on something else a couple months ago. It is a video made by Father Giacomo Capoverdi the day after a Florida Trump Rally in 2017.
A friend, Dr. Claudio Curran tells Father Capoverdi about a man named Tom Zimmer, aka "The Hermit of Loreto." He is called the Hermit of Loreto because Tom at some point in his life, left everything behind in the US to live in Loreto, Italy as a hermit. He had a calling to stay close to the "Holy House" and pray.
The Holy House of Loreto sits in the Basilica di Loreto and is the former childhood home of the Virgin Mary. It is said, that this is the home the Archangel Gabriel visited Mary at in Nazareth, with the message that she was with child. The house was transported to Italy in the 13th century by the Crusaders, to save it from destruction by the Ottomans.
Anyways, the doctor tells the priest that he needs to go to Loreto when he is in Rome to visit the hermit and supplies him with a ticket. The priest goes, finds Tom, and has a good visit with him. When he returns, his friend asks him, did I ever tell you about the time, back in the 80's when Tom told me…"There is a man right now who I believe in the future is going to lead America back to God?" The doctor asks, "who is this?" Tom says, "the man is Donald J Trump! Doctor laughs and says, "you mean the New York playboy? Tom says, "believe me, I have a premonition that this is the man."
Tom went on to tell the doctor that he had donated a brick to the Vatican in the 1980's during the reconstruction of St. Peter's "Holy Door." He had written Donald J Trump on the brick, it was sealed in and placed there so DJT and all the other intentions placed would receive blessings from the many masses that would be said in the Vatican.
Father Capoverdi wanted to get the message out after seeing FLOTUS begin a political rally in Florida with the "Our Father" in 2017. Father Capoverdi says, seeing the First Lady pray was moving and beautiful. He feels the premonition has been fulfilled and wanted to share it with everybody. One of the most powerful prayers:
Our Father, who art in Heaven
Hallowed be Thy name
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done
On Earth as it is in Heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us
And lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil
For thine is the kingdom
And the power
And the glory
Forever and ever
Tom Zimmer is the author of the "Pieta" prayer book that is owned and loved by millions of people. He returned to the U.S. before he died around 2008.