More hidden bullshit. Same shit, different masters. WAKE THE FUCK UP
>If Trump is losing support, what must Anons do?
If Trump is losing support, what must Trump do?
>There's no proof
>There's no proof
>There's no proof
Thanks for your un-sauced opinions on how the "Good guys" act just like the bad guys.
You can kindly fuck off back to your cabalcuckery now.
Thank for playing.
>damn you are triggered aren't you?
Don't think triggered means what you think it does.
>It's because you know one of those theories will pan out ;)
You're more worried about being "right" than seeing the inherent and bigger problems that really matter.
hence cabalcuck.
You're useless for anything that really matters, cause you don't even understand the problem.
That's right. Go to namecalling when losing the debate. I would expect nothing more from most of the "researchers" still on this board.
Well done. You've convinced me.
You neither have sauce
it did happen the way you've explained and you can't tell me how that's any better than the Cabal.
You must be so proud.
and now we are on to the "change the subject" part of your human "programming"
Continue on. I like seeing the same predictable (pathetic) patterns from most of you when it actually comes to LOGICAL DEDUCTIVE thought (you might want to research what that actually means)
bee boop. This robot doesn' t think you are worthy of "human" designation. You will be assimilated shorty. beep boop. And made into a more perfect union of the Whole. beep boop.
kek ur legit insane. You should see one of your..want do you call them in human speech againโฆ yes, doctor.
Now time to filter. you've wasted too much of this bot's time. beep boop.
I know right?!
Who needs "proof" and "actual evidence" and "truth" when he have "faith" and "hope" and "unprovable facts"
I don't think 'glorious' means what you think it means.
well, im legit glad you're having a glorious year then.
most people in the world are still sufferingโฆhugely.
Fuck off nigger. I've created anti-CTA memes. The first one in fact.
But here's a meme for you.
why do you care either way As long as ((you)) are having a glorious year under the Cabal system, why do you care what I or any other person feels or thinks, right? RIGHT?
like i said, enjoy your "glorious" year then.
You don't care about others who read my posts either, remember? Everyone suffers, all the time, and no use in wanting to see it changed. REMEMBER? you just said it, 2 posts ago.
Fucking idiot.
Are you tereias or just some other tereias wanna be? Geniunely curious. (actually I'm not. I'll assume the worse and filter you)