Yeah, a few more tidbits to make some of you think.
So, I've been at this (against the "deep state") for quite a while. I've learned a lot over the years, and really haven't spoken much about it. So, here's a few insights for you. Don't trust me, dig and check them out yourself.
The DS and the "cabal" have to be really dumb. Much of that is caused by arrogance, which breeds contempt. They think their opposition is dumb, so they act accordingly. Wrong assumption, for sure.
Panicked people get in a rush, and therefore "sloppy". Sloppy people make some pretty bad mistakes.
Watch the "yellow vest" movement. They finally had enough, and railed back. You can't just roll back the item that triggered them, you must roll back much more, if not all. Macron has become just another name for "useless idiot". He will fall, either resigned, removed or executed. Remember Marie Antoinette.
Much the same is happening in the US, but it could get much uglier. We aren't quite there yet, but soon.
And, yes, the left will hang their heads in shame, afraid to say what they think. We outnumber them, truth be known. We're just less vocal, ad believe in not showing our hand until the right time.
Politics are not on a linear spectrum, the truth is it's a two dimensional graph. There is left and right, there is also authoritarian and libertarian. You live in this country, you had better try to stay on the Libertarian side of the line.
We can tell you it is already too late for the Authoritarians to force the issue. They have lost, and are in the process of dying out as a cause.
Always remember, we are vary skilled, and don't believe in "dying for our cause", though we will if we have to. We aren't afraid. We know the potential cost. Do (((you))), "left"? We prefer to make the other SOB give his l"life" for his cause. And, we are prepared to do just that. (((Your))) call. Remember, mercenaries must be paid, and (((you))) will have no money soon. Mercenaries also owe no loyalty.