Pump and dump while the camera's are rolling.
Happy with the remaining 25% and would add to it if a new HOD is not taken out with conviction.
Pump and dump while the camera's are rolling.
Happy with the remaining 25% and would add to it if a new HOD is not taken out with conviction.
A levered ETF on this is a trader's wet dream as this is a classic pump it up pattern similar to the open.
Sell it!
That volume on the down-side says it's over barring a stick-save.
Trying to pump it again after the initial one failed.
No idea. Just enjoying our trilogy!
POTUS does not own this
FRB and the Bond markets do without questionโฆalways have.
MSM never bitches about 'UP' just when it drops.
He owns them though!
That's going to leave a mark by closing. 2 straight days of intraday reversals are going to sting hard.
HUBER style pain
Burn it down baby!!
Needs it
Getting uglier volume-wise.
They have nothing for this except the spray can in about 45 minutes.
If this is a surprise to anyone who has been here then you have not been paying attention.
All the signs were there a year ago.
This was the most telegraphed dump EVER.
JP is not a typical FED head.
If it was still BB or Mrs Magoo they would have never raised rates.
JP /ourguy
Get to the choppahs!!
Because the natural thing to do is to dump anything related to hard assets when the paper ones are burning up.
Pretty tame for what is presently happening in equity's
This acting as expected with equity's dumping