>>4378672 Exactly the kind of lying SOB that is elevated by CNN et al. Member of the club no more.
>>4378846 No. Reforms are taking place with alacrity in every area, faster than anyone has ever seen. When the market crashes—they always do, and this one has been held up longer than any, over several administrations—it will signal the onset of the new system. Gold backed money, as Q indicated. Am saying that the new system is likely ready. If the black hats are able to crash the old system a bit sooner than our optimal moment, it will not hand them the game. We have remedies, as Q also indicated.
Been out for the morning.
Burned 14 GB of breads & memes to DVD.
Got some groceries in the house.
Now time to sit and contemplate.
What's hot? LL's testimony?
Read the 173 pages of Comey 2nd interview yesterday but anons & congress are already all over the contradictions and evasions. He & his lawyers were carefully coached to avoid perjury traps, I thought.
Wow, we got a demanding shill
wanting anons to answer their grilling.
Shill, shill,
grill, grill.
Anon does not reply to AFLB shillgrill.
^ yes