Partial Disclosure??
Partial Disclosure??
I said (FULL) disclosure.., not partial.., Nobody knows How much messes we have gotten ourselves.., The planet is a complete Supermarket for the Dracos, zetas, etc..
For that, Here it isn't spoken of these important topic, what a pity.
it say that The White UFOS are of the Alliance and the another (TRB3,etc) are of the Cabal.
exactly.., same, They're doing the work from up, while the White hats are doing the work from down, Roths, Rockefeller, they're the jailers of the world, Because This planet is a laboratory, Prison Planet, Human Farm, only follow instructions of them, (Dracos, Zetas, Archons), for something, We have to exit of this now..,
You reap what you sow..
It will have time for the Full disclosure, there is better things to do